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The Tricky Fox

Hyakuuwuu is an odd god. Bouncing between being a trickster and a casanova, Hyakuuwuu is not thought to be of the original pantheon. Thought to once have been a Kitsune who travelled with a Tengu, they figured out the secret of ascension and joined the pantheon of Theotians. The Fox God emboldens his followers to seek out their passions, experience the world as they see fit and have fun. Love, ardor, and unrestrained lust; followers of the Passionate One come in all sorts of variety. Hyakuuwuu doesn't care how his followers use his abilities, but he wants love and lust to be spread. Love is best when both sides are consensual, and unwanted solicitation is something Hyakuuwuu will never tolerate.   It is thought that Hyakuuwuu is the one responsible for how any humanoid can bear any other humanoid's children. This wasn't always the case, and is a confusing study. A Human that has a child with a Saetori will either be a Saetori or a Human, with very little complication. Very rarely though, a half-breed child can be born that exhibits the qualities of both parents. The Weave that surrounds these individuals of mixed parentage is no different than any other. It would be about 2000 years before the year of destruction, where record's of humanity were incredibly scarce, when this worldwide change would occur.   It's been so long now that most don't even know that this is an alteration of how things should be, that genetics shouldn't work this way. However, there are those that still remember. The Beastfolk of the west venerate Hyakuuwuu for this, despite his affiliations and how uptight they tend to be. See Children of Aldebaran for more information.


Hyakuuwuu is often depicted as a fox, either as a nine-tailed Kitsune or as the animal. His symbol is that of foxes head in front of a design that appears like a flower.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Love is meant to be shared. Spread that feeling as far as possible.
  • Never force another into this, ease them into it. Rape and other unwanted acts of solicitation are absolutely forbidden.
  • Foxes are a sacred animal, never harm one.
  • Spread yourself as far as you can. Experience as much as possible. Interpret this however you will.
Divine Classification
True Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Tricky Fox, The Fox God, Passionate One
Main Planes
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Foxes head in front of a design that appears like a flower
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