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The Contracter

Mordrakan is one of the newest Theotians to enter the pantheon, fully ascending into such a status in the year 82 A.Y.O.D. The contract devil was exactly that, a simple contract devil that grew in power to a demi-god, and the figured out the secret to ascension. His former domain within hell was within the Second Layer Golias. Specifically, the devil city of Mozzo'linaius. Mordrakan acted as a clerk within the city, the sorts of contracts he enabled were quite unlike any other Devils.   The contract devil did not ask for much in return for his power. Unlike others of his kind, who would demand their weave to manipulate as they saw fit after their death, Mordrakan enacted contracts of worship. His dealings were always honest and fair, and he went to great extents to make sure every detail of the contract was explained to his clients unlike others of his kind. He did not seek an easy immediate gratification. No, Mordrakan sought long term power as his goal.   With his deals being very favorable, there were many that devoted themselves to the name Mordrakan. Even when the elites of Mozzo'linaius cast him out of the second layer, jealous of his ever increasing power, he set himself up in Cania and continued to accrue the worship necessary to rise. It wasn't long before other devils came at Mordrakan in attempts to steal away his power. They would try to play his own contracting game, others would try force, but the three winged devil had a trick up his sleeve every time.   Mordrakan would return back to the city when he was ready, and deposed of the elite. Devils who enjoyed his former deals assisted him, so did other powerful beings who grew from his backing. Mordrakan became the ruler of the second layer of hell in what was almost an overnight assault. For several decades, he would offer his services to any who sought them, the same simple obligations were all he required. It is unknown how, but Mordrakon outgrew hell, becoming a Theotian in his own right. He molded hell into something that could be believed in, Devils were evil certainly, but what they offered was sound.   Thus, in terms of the amount of evil that a Theotian actually possess, Mordrakan is one of the least evil "evil" gods. Mordrakon offers contracts backed by the power of a Theotian now, mortals of all sorts happy for the stipulations that carries with it. For those that sign a contract backed by the authority of The Contractor, fates worse then death await those that reneg on such a thing. Mordrakon is a rather popular god because of this, and public worship is oftentimes perfectly accepted. Even paladins of So'lith would think twice about interfering in the actions of a devout of Mordrakon.  


Mordrakon is a handsome red devil with three leathery wings and a lawyer-like smile. Drapes of contracts roll down from his large black horns, and he wields a contract as a sort of weapon. His symbol is that of a scroll, the infernal writings of hell upon it.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Always follow through with a contract.
  • Simple terms, made clear to the client.
  • Disrupt the flow of chaos, make sure every action is backed by law.
  • Demons are to be destroyed on sight.
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
True Deity
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Contractor, Devil in the Details, Ruler of  Mozzo'linaius
Main Planes
Indelcaun & Hell
Holy Symbol/Sigil
A scroll, the infernal writings of hell upon it.


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