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The Solar Good

So'lith is one of the Theotians of The Vevelteen Petals System, and of the original pantheon. So'lith represents the good within all creatures, and the ability to redeem oneself in the eyes of the karmic system of the universe. While clergy exist that have always believed in So'lith's ways, they prefer their most venerated champions to be former evil creatures. Those that follow them regard such beings with honor and respect, as they are prime symbols of any creature's ability to turn towards good. So'lith's followers believe he is one of the original pantheon, assisting Utosserix with The Weave and the Karmic system that determines what happens to a soul after death. Good aligned Theotians and lesser deities have good relations with So'lith. The only good Theotian that has sour relations with So'lith is the Shadow Weaver.   The followers of So'lith follow the creeds of the sun god dogmatically. Heroism and glory are the driving actions of So'lith's paladins and clerics. They go out of their way to find evil and root it out. Many worshippers of the dark gods, especially that of Glojarl and Erux Pho hate the Shining Light. As one of the most popular gods of the pantheon, there is nearly no end to the amount of followers that will come seeking their dark cult's destruction. Ebenkrai has a particular hatred towards So'lith as well, as one of their core tenants is that any can be redeemed, a direct contradiction to the Raven's never forgive philosophy.   It is thought that So'lith is the progenitor of the three moon sisters. When conceived, they lashed out against the Sun's light and order. So'lith could not contain the three of their chaotic natures, and that is how they came to be their own Theotians. It was an old belief as well that this is why the day recedes into night, the moons as far away from the sun as possible, though there are none that really believe in this anymore after it has been proven that they're far closer that the theory explains.   So'lith is also attributed to the creation of the Karmic System, otherwise known as the Journey. They, along with Gambler, Yis, and the The Primordial Wyrm created the method as to how souls would be received at the end of their lifetime and reintegrated into the Threads of Fate. How a person behaved in their life would have a direct impact in their next life.


So'lith is often depicted as an incredibly buff humanoid, varies by country, wearing a flowing white toga. Atop So'lith's rippling torso and thick neck lies a bright golden sun, the same as their holy symbol.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Lies to protect others or to prevent harm to the forces of good are acceptable.
  • Dishonorable tactics are looked down upon.
    • Good is not dumb.
    • These actions are reviewed personally by So'lith as to whether they were used in the defense of others or the advancement of good.
  • Any creature can be redeemed.
  • One must always deeply consider a creature's request for aid.
  • One must never request the aid of or work with chaotic evil outsiders, and avoid working with any other form of evil outsider.
  • One must attempt to destroy evil outsiders within the Prime Material should they be encountered.
  • Undead are an abomination that must be destroyed.
Divine Classification
True Deity
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Sun God, The Absolver, Incinerator of Evil, Lord of the Holy Flame
Main Planes
Indelcaun & Heaven
Holy Symbol/Sigil
A Sun with Far-Reaching Tendrils of Light


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