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Oshalus Creature

Touched by the artifact known as the Soul of the Ocean, the Oshalus are not actually an individual species of hominid but rather a divergence and collection of all other races. Using the artifacts power, a creature can be made into an aquatic being, shedding their attachment to land and seeing themselves under the seas instead. This change is not to be made lightly, and the hidden kingdoms of the seas have banded themselves together tightly, refusing all but the highest of nobilities communications.   Any creature can become an Oshalus (as long as they have a living physical body). Once a person's weave has been altered by the artifact, all their future children will be Oshalus as well. Not much is known about them as a collective, they are very reserved and regard outsiders with hostility. However, when compared to their land based counterparts, they are oftentimes very similar. An Oshalus kobold for example is likely to have the same studious and hard working habits they normally exhibit. They'll have scales and all the other qualities, but an Oshalus will gain webbed toes and hands to help them swim through water, as well as slight form shifts to help accomadate them to a watery lifestyle.   Oshalus have been around for many centuries even before the Year of Destruction. It was once said the people had been peaceable and friendly, but some terrible occurence forced them to retreat and mistrust the land walkers, their suspicions never having truly gone away. The artifact itself rarely sees use now, their species propogation mostly maintained through new generations. There are always those few of the land who desire to walk amongst the seas instead, their journey often taking them to the whirling isles. As to whether they succeeded or not, they either quit and find new interests instead, or are never heard from again.  

Simple Template: Oshalus Creature (+0 RP)

Rebuild Rules:
Oshalus creatures gain the subtype aquatic and the amphibious special quality, a swim speed equal to their their highest speed + 10 (this is applied first before the base land speed decrease), and Darkvision 60ft. Their base land speed decreases by 10ft.
Planar Ties:
Applicable Species:
Oceans and Seas of Aldebaran
Physical Traits:
Webbed toes and fingers, sleeker forms, but otherwise same as base species.


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