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The Primordial Wyrm

The Essence of Being

That who created Aldebaran, and thought to have created the Velveteen Petals, the primordial wyrm is the most powerful, and most mysterious of all Theotians. Of the original pantheon, it is believed that the wyrm is the one who created the others. With the six heads each holding a domain of their own, the seventh primal head guards and governs the world, ensuring its balance and continued existence.   Little is known of the Primordial Wyrm, and fewer still are granted the benefit of its power. All clergy owe some of their faith to the Wyrm, good and evil. To go against the Wyrm's will as a character of faith is to lose the powers granted to you, even if you acted in your gods faith. This essentially never happens though, the Wyrm seemingly stays out of almost all affairs.   The Serpent of Color doesn't really have any dedicated holy days, no tenets of faith, anything you would expect out of a religion. The Primordial Wyrm is more along the lines of an idea. The heads represent different ideas of individualism, from what the know, who they love, how life looks upon them, the ability to express themselves, the fabric of their soul, and the strength of their person. From the sunday attender to the hardcore zealot, this ideas are taken more literally than others, and many often find themselves devoted to a single head and honing their focus towards that idea.   There are almost no dedicated clergy of the Primordial Wyrm. It is extremely selective who it makes its clerics, and the amount of people who can say they have access to the Wyrm's domains can be counted on two hands. The most prime example would be Teonniag the Two-Headed Demi-God Dragon of Dragixis Isle. An arbiter of dragonkind, they seek to fulfill the Primordial Wyrm's will by reintegrating dragonkind into the world. Dragons are a contentious subject, being far too powerful at one point and having been brought low by the Wyrm's own will. How this reintegration will pan out is hard to say though. There are those that defy this openly, and others that embrace it. All part of the cycle the Primordial Wyrm expects.   Despite its prominence and status, there is little that is known about the Primordial Wyrm. The creator of Indelcaun, where the rest of the Theotians reside, what it has done throughout the history of Aldebaran can only be guessed. What crisis have been averted... or caused by its will? What is its connection to primordial energy, and why does color seem to be such a major focus compared to the other types?


Depicted as an utterly massive dragon/serpent of some sort, it has one main black head and six other ethereal heads that act in accordance to the main will. It's symbol is that of a seven headed dragon that surrounds the symbol of color.


The Red Head, Muladg

The Yellow Head, Manis

The Green Head, Anayhi

The Cyan Head, Vishudd

The Blue Head, Anj

The Purple Head, Sahashra

Divine Domains

Knowledge (Vishudd, The Cyan Head)
Love (Anj, The Blue Head)
Luck (Manis, The Yellow Head)
Song (Anayhi, The Green Head)
Soul (Sahashra, The Purple Head)
Strength (Muladg, The Red Head)
Divine Classification
Favored Weapon
True Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Serpent of Color, The Wyrm, The Cardinal Theotion
Main Planes
Holy Symbol/Sigil
Seven Headed Symbol surround the Symbol of Color
This article has no secrets.


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