Adalinda Camron

Duchess of Nuna


Toemanshire is divided into two duchy's, with several counties around them. According to court records generations of Camron women have reigned over the western Duchy of Nuna, passed down from mother to daughter. It is a rural duchy of farmlands on the edge of the kingdom along the western mountains.


Adalinda is beloved by her people. She is known to frequent taverns and festivals, spending time with the common folk. When the Orc invaded and occupied the land, she used her power as a sorceress to keep the orcs out of her hometown of Sagepoint. The town held free throughout the occupation, thanks to her. She was also instrumental in organizing resistant fighters throughout the duchy, as well as incursions of warriors from the mountain kingdom of Seely to the west. The duchess spent much of her time helping those that needed to escape the orcs flee into Seely for protection, or to bolster the neighboring kingdoms numbers to keep fighting.


Despite her power in Magic she prefers not to enter combat herself, focusing more of defensive than attack. This does not mean she will not fight to protect her people, and several orc attacks ended with the invaders little more than melted puddles on the battlefield.


With the death of King Wilhelm Alyster at the end of the war against the orcs, the people called for her to as send to the crown. Something she immediately refused, claiming she preferred to return to her life before the fighting. But she would continue advising whoever rose to the throne as she always had before.


When Carab put in his claim for the crown she back his claim, pointing to his leadership in the war to liberate the land. This brought the backing of the common people, which made it difficult for any other claimants to counter.



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