Seely (SEE lee)

the Kingdom of Copper


The smallest of the nations of Tinjir, Seely is at best forgotten by most, or more often considered little more than part of, or a vassal kingdom to,Toemanshire. This is far from surprising considering how intertwined the two countries are in trade, with the Copper and other mountain oresfrom Seely traveling through Tomaton docks. In return Toemanshire provides the wheat and other crops the mountainous kingdom lacks. The two nations have deep ancestorial roots as well, with the vast majority of the population being of Lhakamen stock. That said, despite their kindred nature and mutual respect, the Seely people are fiercely independent. They claim themselves descendants of the ancient Polinis people that once reigned over all the Thorn Horn. These rugged mountain folk are as tough as the rocky hills they build their homes on, and do not want some "lowlander" king hundreds of miles away telling them how they should live and act.


Despite its small size and rural nature, Seely is an extremely wealthy nation. The copper veins west of Akavia's Peak run thick and deep, some mines, dating back to the days of the Areian Nations, still produce ore. Seely copper has a slightly darker hue than copper mined in other lands, making it popular to mix with tin and zinc in the creation of darker bronze and brass alloys. Most Tinjir nations buy Seely ore for casting their Copper Piece, giving rise to these coins being known as 'seelies' throughout Tinjir.


The kingdom is largely rural sheep herders' communities southeast of the Harl's Mine, while the land northwest of the capital is covered in high alpine mountains, and lightly populated mining towns. Seely Kobold heavily populate the region near Cold Cap mountain. A problem in the past, but the threat of the Besed Orchold and Bura Orchold have pushed them into an alliance with their Human neighbors for mutual defense. This alliance has proven beneficial to Seely, as the nation has gained skilled miners in the little creatures, who in return gain protection from the hated orcs, as well as wealth of their own.


All citizens of Seely, male and female, are required to travel to Harl's Mine on their fifteenth birthing-day to serve several years in military service to the crown. The first year is spent in the capital itself, training and guarding the city. The second and third years serve on the borders of the nation as rangers. The youth can leave serves on their eighteenth birthing-day to return home. Those choosing to remain in service travel the kingdom in small patrols, often training new rangers. The Seely people are masters of guerilla warfare and are known for their ferocity in defending their families and lands. The countries wealth has also made them one of the most well-armed citizen armies in Tinjir, if not all Ethae, with every man and woman being supplied weapons and armor when entering service and retaining these tools of combat when returning home on completion of service. A deterrent for invaders thinking to enter a kingdom that ever man, and woman, is a trained warrior and armed to the teeth.


The king is an elected title in Seely, with the crowned king serving for life. While any Seely citizen can bid for the crown when a king passes away, military service and wealth always play a factor in the election. Candidates seeking the role must travel to Harl's Mine, where a week-long festival is held. During this week many bids are added and withdrawn, often through martial contests. Roudy parties are held by the candidates to win votes. Bribes and promises are made. At festival's end a vote is cast by those attending and a new king is elected. King Garen Tedwell, Seely's current king has held the position for forty years, with entire generations never seeing a voting process.

Geopolitical, Kingdom

Ruler: Garen Tedwell

Capital: Harl's Mine

Native People: Lhakamen, Seely Kobold

Native Language: the Common Tongue

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