Al Kissuti

City of the Kissuti


Al Kissuti is a city built in the center of the Orc nation of Kal Kissuti in eastern Anbar on the major continent of Ethae. The city is considered a mystical by those very few that have seen it. it's very location in the Magas Flats means nothing should grow within or around the city. The orcs however have not only found a way but are surrounded by thick croplands of food.


The orcs have divided the city into several circular formations, each with a primary purpose. Each controlled by an orchold, giving a balance of power among the tribes in attempts to keep any one for gaining more influence than another. At the south of the city is the market district, an open-air grass circle surrounded by a forest. Just north of this are the zoos, where the cattle, livestock, beast of burden, and other animals' life are kept. At its center is a great avian sanctuary that is often used for community assemblies. North, to the west is the city proper, where most orc dwellers reside. East of this is the miliary complex that is largely buried underground. And finally farther north is the farming circle, a fortress built atop of a natural rock formation. East of the farming community are the refrigeration domes, designed by the orcs to cool the air inside. These are used both as storage as well as a cooling system that channels air below the surface into the other city distracts for year-round comfortable living in the lower levels. Routes of travel between all of these locations exists both above and below ground.



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