Criup Ocean Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Criup Ocean (CREW p)

the Dead Seas


The Criup Ocean is the great body of water east of Ethae Ethae, and west of Dergonhad. This ocean is largely an empty expanse of islandless water. Out past the continents Criup is a dangerous deep-water ocean, full of strange weather and giant sea creatures, including the mythical Leviathan.


The moniker of the Criup Ocean is 'the Dead Sea.' While many claim this is due to the dangers found while traveling the open waters of the ocean, it true meaning is something completely different. Sailors will attest to the terminology pointing to the weather rather than the sea itself. The Criup Ocean, especially out in open ocean far from land, seems to have 'dead weather' during the summer months. Months will pass with no wind for sails. The sea itself sitting as still as glass. Even when rains fall it the ocean remains calm. At the end of this 'dead weather' cycle, as autumn and winter set in, massive storms will stir up and wake the waves into a violent churning until spring arrives. The spring brings a dwindling of the storms as it approaches the dead weather season of summer once more.



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