Crystal Peak Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Crystal Peak

Mount Krustallos


Mount Krustallos, or more commonly Crystal Peak, is a mountain in the eastern Cutting Mountains, on the east coast of the Ireskanest Sea in Novyum, on the major continent of Ethae. It and the nearby peaks of its range have steep rocky crags and sharp jagged peaks. What makes it unique among the mountains of Ethae, if not the entire world is the great mass of solid ice that it situated on its peak.


The giant, semitranslucent block of ice has sat at the top of the mountain since, best guess, the early Randagri Period, when Aldern was largely covered in an era of ice after the Na Boon Super Volcano eruption. Compacted and solidified the ice remained as the world of lower altitude warmed and melted away the glaciers and snow. Parts have broken off and eroded away over the ages until we have what it there in the modern day, a sharp pointed ice tip that looks like an extension of the mountain itself. Its weight pushing down into the jagged crags of Krustallos's peak is what is though to keep it in place.


The mountain has been a sacred site to nearly every culture that has encountered it throughout history.

Mountain / Hill


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