Randagri Period in Aldern | World Anvil

Randagri Period

the Age of Ice

-- Randond Period -- Randeny Period -- Randagri Period -- Randeris Period -/- Edian Age --

2400 pre-sc - 1200 pre-sc


Running from 2400 pre-sc to 1200 pre-sc, it is in the Randagri Period that the world rebuilds after the heavenly war of the Randeny Period. Destruction from the Aggelomachy left Aldern in an ice age. Retreating from the ice, people gathered into the first civilizations. The period ends with another devastating world event, the arrival of Gilgurth, though legends claim it as the arrival a great dragon burning the skies and sweeping the oceans over the land with his tail, in truth it is an impact event that caused massive destruction. Gilgurth the ending of the ice age that had fallen over the Aldern, beginning the Randeris Period.

Randagri Period


2100 pre-sc - Elder Tree Seblug grows.

1800 pre-sc - Resh Noch founded.

1700 pre-sc - the World Root discovered.

1600 pre-sc - Obsidian first use in tools.

1300 pre-sc - Lion of Mar crafted.

1200 pre-sc - Gilgurth Impact.

Events with no given date



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