Ghost Tower Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Ghost Tower

the Corporeal Grandfather


The towering rock formation known as Ghost Tower stands in the eastern forested region of Awaran, north of Lake Bemused, in the remote northern region of the Southern Reach of Ethae. It stands over five thousand feet in height, with its base so wide that it takes several hours to circumnavigate on foot.


Ghost tower stands in the highlands above the low marshes and wetlands that cover much of lands south of the central Cutting Mountains. The region is difficult to traverse, with dangerous predators and creatures throughout. Beyond the Falbiten people of Lake Bemused, 30 miles south of the tower, few live in the lands of north central Jerain, making Ghost Tower perhaps the most known, yet least seen natural wonder of Aldern.


If legend is to be believed, Ghost Tower is the corporeal remains of Aterleg, the Grandfather Tree, placed in the world by Alu at the beginning of time. Aterleg is said to have vanished from the world in what is called year 0, the transition between the mythical prehistoric periods and the historical ages of recorded history. All stories of the disappearance of Aterleg conflict with the others. One will say the tree burned to ash, burning for the entire year. Another tells of a magic explosion that shattered the great tree. Still other believe Aterleg transitioned from this world to the spiritual world. Still others say Ghost Tower is nothing more than a rock formation left over from an even more ancient volcano.


Whatever the truth of the tower, it is a Magic magnate. Spells cast within a mile of the tower drift towards the tower, rather than their intended location. Casters feel a hunger inside them to go to the tower, and when near climb to the top. When at the top their will to leave grows so strong they will endure the elements and starvation to stay. Elf that travel to the tower and climb to the top are said to vanish completely. Companions claiming, they are there one moment and gone the next, a turn of the head, or blink of an eye is all that needed. Those camping in the region claim to see shadowy figures and trees that are not there during the sunset and sunrise. A glimpse of another world perhaps, or an ancient memory carved into the land.

Natural Wonder


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