Awaran Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil


the Awaran Plains


Awaran, sometimes called the Awaran Plains, or Awaran Savanna is a savanna region in Jerain north of Lake Bemused and south of the Cutting Mountains. The remote region has no clearly defined boundaries, as few sapient species travel there. While the flat lowlands are what most define as Awaran, the adjacent foothills of the Cutting Mountains are often included as part of Awaran on many older maps. The region is named for the Awadri people that once dwelt in the land in the prehistoric periods.


A largely a quiet land of Long Horn Bison, Awaran is sometimes referred to as a calm in the heart of a storm by those that travel to the region. An apt description given the land is relatively free of predators but is surrounded on all sides be more dangerous lands that have made Awaran a dificult place to reach.


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