Hippogriff Species in Aldern | World Anvil


the Sky Horse


Hippogriffs are creatures with the wings, forelimbs, and head of an eagle, and the body and hindlegs of a horse. Native to the Isle of Iracro, hippogriffs were domesticated as aerial mounts sometime in the early Valmon Age. The creature really didn't come into its own until the late Lakorthian Age when the nation of Nopum began training organized units of hippogriff riders. Some saying this is what lead to the Nopum victories in uniting Novyum once more under a single power. As the Nopum power spread across Ethae the hippogriffs spread with it. After that power declined across the continent, their hippogriffs were often left behind. Today small teams of hippogriffs can be found in most of the mountain ranges of Ethae. These wild hippogriffs largely stick to remote regions difficult to reach.


The wars over the last few centuries have left few trained hippogriffs alive. Those units that remain, primary are kept as homeland defense. The animal, while smart and easy to train, is expensive and hard to replace. Only wealthy nations, such as the Kingdom of Marras, can afford to keep organized hippogriff units on staff. Though rich nobles and adventurers do on occation find a way to keep one or two in captivity.


Wild hippogriffs are difficult to capture and train. The best option for this is catching a foal early in its life. A task easier said than done as the team will defend its own. Success however is worth the risk. A hippogriff bonds with its rider and will be a loyal companion for life.


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