Valmon Age in Aldern | World Anvil

Valmon Age

the Time of the Children of Ada

-- Areian Age -- Kephic Age -- Valmon Age -- Lakorthian Age -- Novyum Age --

3600 sc - 4800 sc


The Valmon Age followed the Kephic Age, starting in 3600sc. It is near the began the age that the heroic era of the pervious years vanished in the the the Black Collapse. A three-hundred-year period seeing the collapse of every major civilization across Aldern, believed by some, to having started with the weakening of the Kephic Empire from internal civil war. A chain-reaction spreading outward. Very few records surviving from the time to explain anything beyond this. Many scholars, especially in Novyum consider the Valmon Age as the transition from the ancient mythical history of Elf and Dwarf into the more modern reign of Human kind.


As the Collapse era ended, records began appearing once more. New civilization grew across the lands. Ancient Siduum, one of the few surviving nations of the Collapse became a new power on the continent of Ethae, as did the younger Old Capedo. In their shadows Lakorth grew to rival them near the end of the age, beginning the Lakorthian Age in 4800sc.

Valmon Age


3620sc - Zalpula becomes a kingdom

3628sc - Kusraddo founded.

3850sc - Antitta Tablet recorded.

3877sc - Onon founded on Badi Island.

the Heroic Era Ends - 3900sc

the Black Collapse Era Begins - 3900sc

the Black Collapse Era Ends - 4200sc

4350sc - Rise of Old Capedo

4427sc - Lhakenwed founded

4444sc - Mursila Games established

4491sc - Lakorth Republic Established

4518sc - Parcel War begins

4521sc - Parcel War ends

4605sc - Elder Tree Onoma Destroyed

4752sc - Lakorth Invades Tinjir

Events with no given date

First records of domestic Hippogriff

Capedian Alphabet first used.

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