Leon Landon
Banker of Toemanshire
The Landon family are wealthy bankers, with banks established across the Farlands (Tinjir). This banks are independent, owned by a particular family member, be it brother, cousin, father, or son. They are famous for their checking system, where a patron can deposit his money at one bank, taken a special written receipt with him to a Landon bank in another land, withdrawing an equal amount. This makes travelers less tempting targets for pirates and bandits.
Due to his families role as bankers, Lord Landon of Toemanshire was put in the roll of exchequer of the kingdom by king Alyster. As minister of finances for the kingdom Landon seems to be fair, taxes were always reasonable for the people, and the kingdom coffers stayed full. While some of the Landon banks in other nations have mixed reputations, the Toemanshire bank is trusted by the citizens of the kingdom. This trust has been bolstered even more as the war against the invading orcs came an end. Though the bank was looted by the occupation force, the deep vaults remained unbreakable but orc, or even drow. The kingdom and king’s treasuries remained.
With the death of King Wilhelm Alyster, Landon has offered to remain as exchequer of the kingdom, and given his support to the new king Carab. This brought the few nobles that survived the war in line. Lord Landon’s reputation goes a long way among the noble class who have relied on his bank for years.
Much of the royal treasure went to paying the surviving soldiers their promised pay. The rest going to the repairs that will have to be made to the capital city, ravaged by fighting. Lord Landon, knowing the coffers of the kingdom are near empty has vowed to rebuild the kingdoms treasury.