Tinjir Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Tinjir (TIN Jeer)

the Farlands Campaign


Sitting on the north-west corner of the continent of Ethae, Tinjir ( commonly called ‘the Farlands’ ) stands at the crossroads of many western trade routes across the Cota Ocean. For the Heartlands of Ethae. It is a remote region of mythical Dragon and pagan tribes, where Orc still live to terrorize the barbaric locals. Tinjir is far beyond the daily lives of the civilized nations of Ethae. A land that is little more than bard’s tales to the common man.


Centuries of invasion, and ancient rivalries, have left the region sparsely populated today. Civilization is rebuilding itself, but the people face an uphill battle. The lands are feral and dangerous, with many creatures, long vanished from the civilized world, thriving. Folks traveling from the relative safety of populated areas must go armed and escorted, for fear of falling prey to monster or bandit.


Despite the dangers, the people of the Farlands, native and immigrant alike, work to carve out a life in these remote nations. It is a region with ancient history and vast natural resources. The land is home to dozens of small states, all with their own government and culture. Being at a sea trading crossroads, the natives are accustomed to meeting folks of different civilizations and ethnic backgrounds. They are, for the most part, not bothered by a Dagmon from distant Dergonhad establishing a farm nearby, or a Dwarf starting a smithy in their town. In some places, though rare, even an orc will be free to wander around a town, as long as peace is maintained. There is a fondness among the people for those folk with an adventurous spirit. For it is they that keep the perils of the wilderness and the horrors of the ancient ruins at bay.


Broadly speaking the modern day Tinjir consist of four main regions: the rocky alpine forests of the Thoamaine Peninsula; the cluster of northern islands known as Parcel ; the mountainous lands of Lhakamed in the south along the desert border; and finally the subterranean world of the Night Below.

the Farlands

Articles under Tinjir


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