Raca fe Brava Tradition / Ritual in Aldern | World Anvil

Raca fe Brava

Racing the Bull


Raca fe Brava is a traditional sport throughout the Thoamaine Peninsula in which a number of contestants enters a ring with a Aurochs bull, each required to tie ribbons on the bulls' horns. The contestant must mount the bulls back to have their ribbon count and the last contestant stand or one with the most ribbons win. There are no rules preventing contestants from pushing or pulling another off the bull to gain access to the bull's head. Deaths are common. Both sexes are allowed to compete, though traditionally it is women that compete. The winner receives the bull to do with as they please, as well at an honored reputation among the people of Mainor. Betting on contestants is common practice, with many contestants putting their own lifesaving on the line, betting on themselves to win.


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