Thoamaine Peninsula Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Thoamaine Peninsula (THO ah mane)

the Apenenne Peninsula


Stretching north, then curving west into the Piercing Ocean, the Thoamaine Peninsula is what most from the east envision when tales are spun of the Tinjir over a pint of ale. It is a land of sharp mountains, with deep alpine forest valleys, where the olive toned Tinjan people have lived life in their remote villages for countless generations. Though much of the peninsula’s rough rocky coastline makes for poor ports, Durrosa Bay on the north side, and Korinaba Bay at it’s western tip, have deep waters surrounded by high cliffs and hills, making them ideal shelters for ships during the stormy seasons and provide natural protections from invading forces. These bays have had seafaring communities stretching back into the mists of prehistory, and are at the heart of the trade connection between east and west for as long as man has sailed the oceans.


In taverns across Ethae, sailors returning from western travels whisper tales of serpent charmers, orc warlords, and ancient witches hidden in the deep dales of the peninsula. Thoamaine is the Farlands to most from the outside world.

Seven nations make their home on the peninsula. Akadia, home to seminomadic tribes, known for their skill with a bow. the Independent Peoples, dwelling in small communities along the eastern expanse of the peninsula. On the tip of Thoamaine stands the Kingdom of Bronze. The Land of Mainor, rumored to be ruled by witches, sits at the peninsula’s base. The chivalric kingdom of Nugator east of the Kingdom of Bronze. The Scaro Wilds, orc held lands of central Thoamaine. And finally, Val Avin in the south west of the peninsula, home of quiet farms and wineries.


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