Ranos Settlement in Aldern | World Anvil

Ranos (ran OHS)

the City of the Horseriders


Ranos is a town in the north central mountainous region of the Cavean Union on the western coastlands of the Western Reach of Ethae. It is what is considered a 'loose' town, with its buildings and houses spread over several miles of pastoral lands. The rain runoff that flows into its valley seems to settle and absorb into the ground quickly. Much of this runoff sits in an underground natural reservoir and well tapping into this water dot the Ranos township.


Ranos is famous for its horses and the Cavean Riders Guild. The town pride themselves in their equestrian skill. This is especially true with their cavalry trained mounts. Their large warhorses are a prized commodity nearly every army would benefit from. Their Cavea riders unmatched on the battlefield.

Large town

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