Cavean Union Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Cavean Union (cav EE an)

Gateway of Dergonhad


A mercantile nation of loosely allied city-states, Cavea controls most of the trade routes across the Cota Ocean between the continents of Ethae and Dergonhad. The dark skinned Cavea sailors famous across both continents as masters of deep-sea travel. While their symbol, the Cavean Ring, is synonymous for fair trade far and wide.

The cities are controlled by a council of merchants and bankers. While these different cities have a loose alliance of mutual defense, there is always an internal struggle between them to gain a financial or political advantage over another, though this rarely leads to open bloodshed. With any conflicts being hidden from the outside world.


No matter their city allegiance or personal rivalry, open waters are considered no place for such matters to the Cavea. Their great ships dwarf even the largest Ethae vessel and are considered to be an extension of the Cavea Union. When you set foot on one of these behemoths you are on ‘Cavean soil.’ The ships travel from port to port, buying and selling cargo, as well as establishing new trade treaties for the city-state of origin. The crew’s goal is to fill the ships coffers for themselves and for the profit of their home city.

Though known as a mercantile focused people. The Caveans are skilled farmers and horsemen as well. Their territory on the edge of the great desert of Anbar is a vast region of rough grasslands. The people have transformed the areas around their cities into working farmlands capable of maintaining their civilization. They have long domesticated the wild horses of the region. A Cavean horse is expensive, but highly sought noble steed. These horses are known for their lack of fear found in most other breeds.

Geopolitical, City council

Capital: None

Native People: Cavea

Native Language: Cavean Dergon

The Cavean Ring, is made of jade, and lined with silver, its color altered to reflect the three major cities of the Union, red for Ashara, light blue for Ranos, and blue for Uosar in the south. Over time the dominance of each color changes in the ring depending on the power each city holds in the Union.

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