Saquutu Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Saquutu (SAW kwa to)

the Great Woodlands of the North


In legends across Ethae, the continent was once covered with forests said to be older than the land itself. On the Western Reach, that would be called Anbar, was Karasaanu, the Great Forest of the West. To the south, on the Reach known as Jerain, was Monanad, the Great Jungle of the South. On the Northern Reach, called Novyum, there was Saquutu, the Great Woodlands of the North. While a shadow of Monanad still remains, remote and unknown, his sisters, Karasaanu and Saquutu are lost to time. While the name Karasaanu remains, Saquutu is all but lost to the world.


It is believed Saquutu once covered all of Novyum , from the Cutting Mountains to the Piercing Ocean. Though damaged many times over the ages, it remained. As the periods turned to ages and Human spread across the north, however, its trees began disappearing disappeared. Man used them to build their kingdoms. He cleared them away from the land to plant his farms. Saquutu died. Not in a blaze of fire as Karasaanu, but the death of a million cuts as each tree fell.

Though small forests grow in Novyum today, none hold trees of Saquutu. The old forest has long vanished, only found in the memories of dusty books in neglected libraries.

Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)


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