Scaro'are Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Scaro'are (Scar OH are)

Warriors of the Shadow


Meaning 'Children of Scaro,' the Scaro'are were originally Juhl'are (dark elf) men and women, most crippled or frail, that the dark elf matriach Juhl transformed using the Shadow to create powerful warriors. Her son Scaro being the first of his kind. The Scaro'are would rebel on their masters forge their own nations among the elves.


There are no Scaro'are in the world today. All said to have died out in ages past, depending on the teller. Their legacy lives on however in the Orc race, said to be descendants of the Scaro'are. Today the Scaro'are are little more than a legend race of bogymen for mankind to spin tales of in taverns and scar children with bedtime stories.


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