the Gauntlet Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

the Gauntlet

The Chaoslands


The region known as the Gauntlet, is a land of pure natural chaos. Storms rage continuously, the Anon (Magic) is wild, unpredictable, and deadly. This mountainous region is home of eldritch creatures of destruction. Some believe the elemental planes of creation merge here in a storm of continual creation and destruction.


The Gauntlet sits in north central Jerain on the continent of Ethae, west of the Brimland. It is the source of many of the central rivers of the Southern Reach. These rivers feed most of the surrounding lands with the elemental essence of creation. Plants and animals grow larger and stronger, the ground itself seems to want to remain untamed. In the educated minds of the learned throughout history, though civilizations have risen and fallen in central Jerain, the land has remained wild through time largely due to this characteristic of the small region in its heart we call the Gauntlet. Some scholars theorize, the Gauntlet is a natural feature of Aldern itself, with a matching region on the far side of the world in Dergonhad as well, though the "Dergonhad Gauntlet" has yet to be discovered.


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