Brimland Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil

Brimland (BRIM lan (d is silent))

Brimad's Bed


Brimland is a harsh land of misty forests, soggy marshes, and rough hills. Often left off most maps, it is usually lumped into the eastern region of the chaotic lands known as the Gauntlet by cartographers. At the heart of Brimland, standing atop a steep mount, is Brimad, one of the last surviving Elder Tree. It is said, by the Elf, that with the death of each elder tree this land became harsher and deadlier, Brimad's grief and rage incarnate. Only the purest of heart can reach the tree now. All others should beware the dangers of the Brimlands. It will devour all. This is in large part due to the Brimies, the fairy community that make Brimad their own. As well as Dreadcap, the tree's narasan (avatar protector).


These fairies know of the death of the other elder trees as well as the fairies that made the them home. Brimies will never allow it to happen to their own home tree. There is a murderous hate for other races, especially Human, who they see as the source of the other trees deaths. The Brimad fairies fertilize the Brimland with the corpses of any that cross into this region. There is no mercy, sympathy, or remorse. Only elf have the opportunity to survive. Elves have fallen out of the Brimies grace, being so intertwined with human civilization, but they are never killed outright. Elves wandering into the Brimlands are given a warning to leave. If they ignore that warning their fate is sealed at their own hands. Any other race will find themselves death before they even know they have crossed these into these fairies' domain.


The Brimland landscape has been sculpted over the ages by the fairies. Deadly plants created and grown, enchantmented traps, and twisting natural mazes cover the lands. Brimland is a beautiful deathtrap. Animals of the Brimlands are tamed, charmed and enchanted by the Brimies. Any that can resist will be driven away or killed. Fairy rangers patrol the region and beyond, slowly expanding the Brimlands inches each year. A buffer zone to protect Brimad from the outside evils that would bring the tree down.

Wetland / Swamp


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