Tinjan Annals Document in Aldern | World Anvil

Tinjan Annals

the Books of Farland History

The Tinjan Annals are a series of scrolls and tomes that record Tinjir history on a year-to-year basis. The Annals begin in the year 4800sc, written by unknown authors. Modern scholars believe there to be three writers in these early years, due to the different grammar and writing styles. The Annals have a tradition, through much of their history, of remaining neutral, recording events in an unbiased manner. This remained even as the Annals gained more popularity and their various authors recieved sponsorships from one nation or another.


It is commonly believed that the Tinjan Annals, and its neutral approach to studying and recording history is what inspired the foundation of the Jenuwan Order. Several copies of original manuscripts of the Annals can be found in the Order's headquarters in Lakorth.


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