Waterdeep Geographic Location in Aldern | World Anvil




Waterdeep is a maze of tunnels, largely created by the Dwarf throughout the Cutting Mountains and under parts of the Craddle Valley. Though natural caverns do exist in this region of the Night Below, most have long vanished, filled with dwarven structures.

The network of tunnels this is Waterdeep are vast, making up more than half of the entire Night Below alone. Every single mountain in the Cutting Mountain range has some tunneling in them, created by millennia after millennia of dwarven mining and construction. Many of these are well-made highways through the mountains, cutting deep through the slopes, opening up to a bridge across a valley into another mountain. The deep tunnels are more erratic, following the ores the dwarf seek.


Once Waterdeep was a busy world, of dwarves moving through continually, descending down to mine, or returning with ore to their surface fortresses. In the modern day most tunnels, especially the deepest, lay empty as the dwarven people's number have dwindled. In their place creatures of the dark have carved out territories. Today, for the dwarf to mine their deepest, and most valuable ores, an armed expedition must be planned and carried out. Many of these expeditions can last months, if not a year or more, with some of these mines reaching mind boggling depths into the world.

Underground / Subterranean


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