Dushkul Burzag Character in Aldona | World Anvil
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Dushkul Burzag

The party encounters an orc (Dushkul Burzag) with a broken leg while they sleep in the "abandoned" farm house. During the night, Dushkul notices his farm has been broken into and sneaks up on Zaphod. After a brief scuffle, the old orc invites the others into his home, where Bral is waiting at the door.

Dushkul Burzag is 68 years old, which is old for an orc. He is 5'5" tall with a regular build. He has kind eyes, one emerald green, the other lightless and blind.. He speaks in grumbles. He is currently a barkeep in training.

Current Location
Burzag Farm
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