Tel'deril Settlement in Aldria | World Anvil


The World Tree

Tel'deril is a massive tree at the heart of the Tavari Wilds. Towering over the Everwood, this tree is a source of supreme magical potency as well as the home of the western Eldar Elves and the elf-lord, Veldarius. Here, the barrier between the Feywild and the Mortal Plane is maintained, and where the magical secrets of the forest are hidden.


Tel'deril is enveloped by a veil that confounds intruders, leading them astray with illusions. Stone guardian statues, beyond their symbolic value, can animate to fend off threats. The Eldar Elves' elite archers, using bows made from Tel'deril itself, guard crucial points with unmatched precision. The tree's bond with the Feywild permits the summoning of fey allies and redirection of foes into the Feywild's perilous depths. Crucial areas like the Heart Chamber are fortified with wards that deter and retaliate against intruders. Collectively, these measures fortify Tel'deril as an impenetrable bastion, preserving the Eldar Elves' rich legacy and magic.

Points of interest

The Heart Chamber. Deep inside, the Heart Chamber pulsates with magic, serving as the nexus between the Feywild and the Mortal Plane, filled with ancient runes and a mesmerizing magical pool.


Tel'deril, with its shimmering bark, seems kissed by the Feywild, its canopy illuminated by glowing leaves and bioluminescent wonders. Living skybridges, grown from the tree's own branches, connect the vast expanses of this majestic tree. The Eldar Elves reside in homes organically grown from the trunk, each unique and adorned with fey-inspired touches. Fey enchantments elevate daily life, from pure, magical spring water to lights sourced from ethereal fireflies and glowing crystals.


Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The World Tree, Tree of Life
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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