Veldarius Character in Aldria | World Anvil


Swordmaster (12), Noble

Lord of Tel'deril

Veldarius, Lord of Tel'deril, was a mighty Eldar-lord and ruler the western Everwood. He was a great elven warrior and wielder of Nahatar, the third of the Iseyid Moonblades.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Veldarius possesses a mane of striking silver-blond hair that falls gracefully to his shoulders. Each strand glistens like moonlight on a tranquil stream, an embodiment of the wisdom he has gathered over centuries   His face bears the marks of countless battles and trials faced in defense of his people. Veldarius' features are chiseled and weathered, etched with lines of determination and a stoic resolve. His piercing, resolute eyes are a shade of brilliant amber window to the hardships his people have endured.   Veldarius stands with a regal and imposing stature, his bearing exuding nobility and authority. Despite the scars of combat that mark his face, his presence commands respect and admiration from all who meet him. He carries himself with the grace of a seasoned warrior and the dignity of a leader who has guided his people through the ages.

Special abilities

Veldarius is blessed with the rare and mysterious gift of foresight, an ability that sets him apart even among the Eldar Elves. This innate talent grants him glimpses into the future, providing him with valuable insights that guide his decisions and actions as a guardian of the Everwood. However, Veldarius knows that the gift of foresight can be a double-edged sword. It comes with the weight of responsibility, as he must discern the true meaning of his visions and make choices that will affect the future of his people.

Apparel & Accessories

Veldarius dons a suit of finely crafted elven armor that blends seamlessly with his appearance. Each piece is adorned with intricate leaf motifs and polished to a mirror-like sheen. His armor serves as both protection and a symbol of his commitment to safeguarding the western reaches of the Everwood.

Specialized Equipment

Veldarius is the current wielder of Nahatar, the third of the Iseyid Moonblades. The metal has a silvery sheen that shimmers like moonlight on a tranquil pond, and its vorpal edge is exceptionally sharp, capable of slicing through even the toughest of materials with ease. When unsheathed, Nahatar seems to radiate a soft, silvery glow that illuminates the surrounding area, much like the moon's gentle light filtering through the leaves of the Tavari Wilds. Embedded within the hilt of Nahatar is a shard of Tel'deril.


Neutral Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1442 CE 2246 Years old
Silver blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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