Vaya'Vilial Settlement in Aldria | World Anvil


Castle in the Sky

Vaya'Vilial, the floating island citadel that serves as the domain of Archwizard Mak'hzor, is a place of unparalleled magic and mystique. Perched high in the skies of Aldria, it defies gravity itself, suspended amidst the clouds by ancient and powerful enchantments. This arcane marvel is a testament to the boundless knowledge and skill of its enigmatic master.


Vaya'Vilial is a Magocracy.   Archwizard. The pinnacle of power is held by the Archwizard, a mage of unparalleled skill and knowledge. In Vaya'Vilial, this position is occupied by Archwizard Mak'hzor. The Archwizard not only directs the course of the citadel but also acts as the primary protector, ensuring the magical enchantments that keep the citadel afloat remain intact.
  • Steward. Steward Idril oversees the day-to-day operations of the citadel. She manages diplomatic relations, ensures the safety and well-being of its inhabitants, and also organizes the various festivals and ceremonies. Being the link between the Archwizard and the citizens, the steward holds regular audiences, addressing concerns and ensuring that Vaya'Vilial remains a beacon of magical excellence.
Council of Magisters. Directly beneath the Archwizard, the Council of Magisters consists of seasoned mages, each representing a specific school of magic or a particular aspect of magical governance, like defense, research, diplomacy, and resource management.   Arcane Justicars. Tasked with upholding the laws of the citadel and defending it from external threats, the Arcane Justicars are a select group of battle-mages trained in both martial and magical arts.   The Scholarly Assembly. Responsible for maintaining the vast knowledge of Vaya'Vilial's libraries, the Scholarly Assembly consists of sages, historians, and researchers. They also oversee magical education, ensuring the next generation of mages is ready to assume their roles. They also travel the continent, gathering information and ensuring the Magocracy's interests.   Initiates. The general population of Vaya'Vilial, regardless of their magical prowess, are known as Initiates. While not directly involved in governance, their opinions and needs are often represented by their respective guilds or by the Council of Magisters.


Stone Guardians. Guarding the entrance to Vaya'Vilial are the Golems of Silence. Crafted from a blend of white marble and moonstone, they stand vigil, their eyes aglow with a pale blue fire. They do not move or speak, yet any who approach with ill intent find their magic drained and their voices silenced.   Mak'hzor's Repelling Wall. Surrounding the entire citadel is a shimmering barrier that not only repels physical attacks but also acts as an anti-magic field. Spells cast towards the citadel are absorbed and nullified, rendering most magical attacks ineffective. This is a spell created by Makh'zor.   Temporal Pockets. In the event of a large-scale attack, certain areas of Vaya'Vilial can be momentarily shifted into a different temporal flow, causing time to move extremely slowly within these pockets. This allows the defenders more time to strategize and respond.   Binding Circles. Hidden throughout Vaya'Vilial, these circles can be activated to trap intruders, rendering them immobile until they're dealt with by the Arcane Justicars.   Poral Control. Any teleportation or portal-based entry into Vaya'Vilial without the proper sigils is rerouted to containment zones where intruders are detained and questioned.   Quorithrax's Vigil. The very presence of the majestic dragon serves as a deterrent. Quorithrax has a unique bond with Vaya'Vilial, sensing disturbances and acting to neutralize threats, especially airborne ones.   Mak'hzor. The single most powerful wizard in Aldria.


Vaya'vilial is divided into five districts.

Celestial Heights

Situated at the city's highest points, with platforms and buildings often brushing against the clouds, this district is home to:
  • The Celestial Archive: Given its relevance, the library is aptly located amidst the serene beauty of this district, where it's said the veil between the Material Plane and the Outer Planes is thinnest. The district is also home to prominent celestial researchers, portal mages, and some of the city's elite.
  • Luminant Order Guild Outpost: Known as the "Sanctum of Radiance", it's a grand, luminescent structure. With walls made of translucent crystals, the interior is always bathed in a soft, glowing light, regardless of the time of day.

Drakespire District

This district is filled with towering structures inspired by dragon-like aesthetics – spires resembling dragon's scales, streets paved with shimmering draconic runes, and fountains spouting fire and water.
  • The Dragon's Compendium: Taking the center stage, this library is built in the shape of a coiled dragon, and scholars from all over come to learn the ancient secrets of the draconic races.

Ethereal Enclave

A place where the past and present intertwine, buildings in this district often have an ephemeral, ghost-like quality. The atmosphere always seems to be in a state of flux, with the past's echoes manifesting at intervals.
  • The Hall of Echoes: At the heart of this district, it's not just a library but also a living museum, where history comes to life.

Feygrove Ward

A blend of nature and magic, the district resembles a sprawling enchanted forest with homes carved out of massive, ancient trees and lanterns made of will-o'-wisps.
  • The Garden of Texts: Resembling more of a magical forest than a traditional library, it's a haven for scholars interested in the Feywild's unpredictable magic.
  • The Elemental Index: Given the Feywild's chaotic nature and its elemental overlaps, it makes sense for this library to be located at the district's edge. The library's entrance is marked by four large elemental statues, each representing Fire, Water, Air, and Earth.

Understone Quarter

This district is closer to the city's base and is crafted from the dark stones and minerals found on floating isles' undersides. The architecture has a more subterranean aesthetic, with bioluminescent fungi lighting up the pathways.
  • The Labyrinthine Vaults: Delving deep into the floating isle's interior, it's not just a library but a complex network of tunnels and chambers holding dark secrets.
  • The Temporal Annals: Situated at the very edge of the district, near a massive clock tower. The building itself seems to pulse with temporal energy, with some rooms seemingly aging faster or slower than others.

Guilds and Factions

The Luminant Order

Dedicated to the preservation, study, and dissemination of knowledge related to Light Magic, this guild focuses on magic that heals, protects, and illuminates. They're also the keepers of ancient prophecies, believing in the power of destiny and fate. While their main Guild Hall is in Elturon, the "Sanctum of Radiance" outpost can be found in the Celestial Heights district.   Symbol. A radiant, intricately designed sun with seven rays, each representing a facet of magic they revere.   Activities. Conducting ceremonies during solar and lunar events. Offering healing and protective services to Vaya'Vilial's inhabitants. Holding lectures and classes on light magic for aspiring mages.

Points of interest

The Mythallar. The heart of Vaya'Vilial is a Mythallar, a colossal magic artifact that channels the raw Weave. It is here that Mak'hzor conducts his most profound experiments.   Quorithrax's Lair. In the deepest caverns of Vaya'Vilial, Quorithrax has a lair adorned with crystalline stalactites and shimmering pools of enchanted water. These pools serve as portals to other realms, allowing the dragon to traverse dimensions and gather knowledge from beyond the known. Mak'hzor often joins Quorithrax on these journeys, exploring realms of magic and existence few can fathom.   Central Tower. In the centermost tower is Mak'hzor's personal sanctum. Here, surrounded by a whirlwind of floating tomes and shimmering orbs, the Archwizard can be found deeply engrossed in his studies. Only a select few have ever entered this chamber. It's whispered that within this room, reality is but clay, malleable and responsive to the Archwizard's every whim.

Arcanum Aeternum

A collection of seven comprehensive libraries.  
  • The Celestial Archive – Housing knowledge of the Outer Planes, this library delves into the mysteries of the Astral Sea, the Nine Hells, and more. Here, adventurers can find maps to hidden portals, secrets of celestial beings, and rituals to commune with powerful extraplanar entities.
  • The Dragon's Compendium – Serving as the definitive source on dragon lore, this collection has tomes on every known dragon type, from chromatic to metallic, and even shadow dragons. Writings from renowned dragon scholars like Mordenkainen and Elminster can be found, alongside Draconic spells and rituals.
  • The Hall of Echoes – Embracing the magic of the Ethereal Plane, this space holds echoes of events past. Illusory recreations of significant moments in the history of El'kora and beyond can be witnessed, offering adventurers glimpses into ancient battles, long-lost magics, and whispered legends.
  • The Garden of Texts – An homage to the Feywild, this verdant library holds the whimsical and unpredictable magic of the fey. From tales of Archfey to secrets of the eladrin, the Garden also teaches how to harness the raw magical essence of this unpredictable plane.
  • The Labyrinthine Vaults – A nod to the Underdark and its mysteries, this library is a maze of tunnels holding forbidden drow spells, knowledge of aberrations like mind flayers and aboleths, and the dark rituals of the Shadowfell.
  • The Temporal Annals – With time-manipulating magics, likely influenced by the Time Domain and Chronurgy Magic, this library offers spells and rituals that toy with time. Warnings abound about the Time Dragons, powerful beings who guard the continuum.
  • The Elemental Index – A testament to the Elemental Chaos, each section of this library is dedicated to one of the Elemental Planes - Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and others. Elemental spells, summoning rituals, and knowledge of powerful beings like genies and elementals can be found here.
  The Oghma Infinium. A vast, ever-expanding void where knowledge is not kept on paper or in books, but suspended as whispers in the silent abyss. This unofficial eighth library appears as an endless expanse of blackness, where the only light emanates from ghostly, floating runes and glyphs. When approached, these runes coalesce into fragmented thoughts, forgotten spells, and forbidden lore. It is said that even Archwizard Mak'hzor treads carefully when accessing the Obsidian Codex. The knowledge within is not just forbidden; it's alive, conscious, and often hungry.


Given its status as a bastion of arcane knowledge and the reclusive nature of Archwizard Mak'hzor, tourism to Vaya'Vilial is, indeed, an exceedingly rare privilege. However, the allure of the floating citadel, with its ethereal beauty, ancient secrets, and otherworldly wonders, has left many adventurers, scholars, and the curious at heart yearning for a glimpse or a brief sojourn within its boundaries.   Invitation Scrolls. On rare occasions, Mak'hzor sends enchanted scrolls to individuals he deems worthy. These scrolls not only serve as an invitation but also provide a one-time teleportation spell to the citadel. Leaving the citadel is as controlled as entering. Tourists are given enchanted tokens that, upon uttering a command word, return them to their place of origin. This ensures no one remains within the citadel beyond their permitted time.   Tourism from Vaya'Vilial. While Archwizard Mak'hzor rarely leaves his citadel, there are instances when denizens of Vaya'Vilial venture to Aldria:
  • Sometimes, representatives from the citadel visit arcane institutions, sharing limited knowledge and ensuring the citadel's interests are preserved.
  • On rare occasions, a floating market descends from Vaya'Vilial, where Aldrians can purchase otherworldly artifacts, ingredients, and glimpses of the citadel's marvels.


The citadel's architecture is a blend of elegant grandeur and arcane artistry. Towering spires, their peaks lost in the heavens, reach for the stars, while bridges of shimmering crystal connect floating islands of lush gardens and serene libraries. The air is imbued with a subtle, otherworldly luminescence, casting an ethereal glow across the entire citadel.   The islands themselves are a marvel, supported not just by magic, but by a complex interplay of enchanted stones known as Levitium. These stones resonate in harmony with the Mythallar, forming the foundation upon which Vaya'Vilial stands. But they are not static; they move in gentle, rhythmical patterns, creating ever-changing vistas and pathways. It’s said that only Mak'hzor truly understands the dance of these stones and can navigate the citadel without getting lost.   Gardens scattered across the islands defy Aldria's known flora. Plants with glowing leaves, trees bearing crystal-like fruits, and flowers that sing soft melodies at dusk. These gardens serve as both a haven and an experiment for Mak'hzor, a living testament to his capability to bend and mold the Weave to create life in his own vision.   The interior is no less captivating. Walls of iridescent mosaics depict the history of magic in Aldria. The floors are adorned with runes and sigils that pulse with energy, guiding visitors along predetermined paths. Magnificent chandeliers, fashioned from thousands of enchanted gems, hang from ceilings, illuminating the halls in a spectrum of colors.


Founding Date
2 2A
Alternative Name(s)
The Floating City
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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