Mak'hzor Character in Aldria | World Anvil


Archwizard (15), Sage

Master of Vaya'Vilial

Mak'hzor, the indomitable Master of Vaya'Vilial, is a tome of timeless wisdom and arcane might. He is a member of The White Council, joined by Nestor and the elf-lords of the Everwood. He is the master of The Dragon's Breath.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

An elegant elf of fair complexion, his visage is marked by an ethereal grace that only the ages can bestow. His sharp, grey-white eyes, like shards of ancient wisdom, pierce through the veil of time itself, harboring a depth of knowledge accrued over millennia. Straight, light blond hair cascades like a cascade of sunlight, a stark contrast to the profound depths of his age.



With thousands of years etched into his memory, Mak'hzor is a living repository of Aldria's arcane history. His presence within Vaya'Vilial, the citadel of boundless knowledge, has made him the unrivaled Archwizard of the land, a title that encapsulates not only his power but also his unfathomable understanding of the Weave.   Some whisper that his studies are driven by a profound desire to safeguard the delicate balance of magic within Aldria. It is said that he delves into the arcane depths to uncover ancient spells and forgotten incantations that could protect the land from threats both known and unseen.   Others believe that his intentions are rooted in a quest for personal enlightenment, a journey to unravel the mysteries of existence itself. They say that his arcane experiments and endless exploration are driven by a thirst to understand the very fabric of reality and transcend the boundaries of mortal understanding.   Indeed, amid the whispers of awe and curiosity surrounding Mak'hzor, there are those who dare to entertain a more unsettling notion—that behind the façade of wisdom and arcane mastery lies a shroud of darker intentions. These speculations suggest that his quest for power and knowledge may extend into realms that challenge the very moral boundaries of magic and ethics. A fear that his pursuit of enlightenment may lead him down a treacherous path, one that could have dire consequences for the land and its inhabitants.

Contacts & Relations

Mak'hzor sits as chairman of The White Council.   Mak'hzor is the master of The Dragon's Breath, a cabal of specialized agents and adventurers which follow the Archwizard's bidding and further his objectives.

Social Aptitude

Archwizard Mak'hzor maintains an aura of mystery by living in seclusion within Vaya'Vilial. His sanctuary is veiled in secrecy, and he limits contact with the outside world. When he does emerge, his words are cryptic, oft leaving those who seek his counsel with more questions than answers. This deliberate air of enigma allows him to pursue his arcane ambitions undisturbed, hidden from the prying eyes of the world.

Hobbies & Pets

Archwizard Mak'hzor commands the companionship of a magnificent and ancient dragon named Quorithrax. With glistening, azure scales that shimmer like the cerulean depths of the sea, Quorithrax is a creature of unparalleled majesty and power.   This awe-inspiring dragon possesses wings that span the horizon, capable of carrying Mak'hzor across vast distances in moments. Quorithrax's eyes gleam with an intelligence that rivals the most astute scholars, and its breath carries the essence of the arcane, able to unleash potent spells with a mere exhalation.   Despite its formidable presence, Quorithrax serves as a guardian of Mak'hzor's solitude, dwelling in the hidden recesses of Vaya'Vilial when not soaring the skies. The bond between the Archwizard and the dragon transcends words, a silent understanding forged through countless centuries of companionship.   Quorithrax's existence remains mere legend to those outside Mak'hzor's inner circle, a testament to the Archwizard's power and his ability to command a creature of such immense and elemental might. Together, they share a connection that weaves the very fabric of magic itself, and their presence within Vaya'Vilial only deepens the citadel's aura of arcane mystique.




Towards Mak'hzor




Towards Quorithrax



Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Archwizard of Vaya'Vilial
Year of Birth
630 AT 4318 Years old
Current Residence
Citadel of Vaya'Vilial
Sharp, grey-white
Long, straight, white-blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lb
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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