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The Elves are a race of creatures that live on the realm of Aldris, born of the Fey when the Astarta pledged themselves to the first of these creatures to arrive on the realm. Gifted with an elevated understanding and control over both arcane and primal magics, Elves make capable mages and live to over 500 years of age.

Basic Information


Elves are humanoid but are incredibly lithe and thin, having elongated skulls, downturned almond eyes, long ears that can stretch up to six inches, and lanky digits that stretch farther than usual fingers. They are also unable to grow facial hair save for a few strands, but the first of the Elves were believed to be entirely hairless.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves have a similar cycle to humans but extended by a year. Rather than have their ovulation for a week, they instead are open and fertile for a whole month, and likewise for the period that comes after. Elven birthing organs are also fragile, and an Elf is only capable of having three to five children over the course of their 500-year-old lifetime before they are unable to have anymore. Thusly, this balances out their lifetime with that of the other races.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elvish childhood lasts 50 years, adolescence another 50, and the rest of their adulthood lasts for the remaining 400 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Elves are capable of living in all habitats, able to adopt their own biology to accommodate their surroundings.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are omnivores.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elves traditionally have almond-shaped eyes, high cheekbones, and are unable to grow facial hair, save for half-elves whose lines have mated with humans enough to surpass the gene.

Average Intelligence

Elves are known to harbor higher than average intellect, which makes them very adept to magic and intelligent pursuit.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Elves have incredibly powerful hearing and sight due to their eyes and ears, as well as strong athletic capabilities based on their subtype. They may not be strong, but they are incredibly fast and smooth.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Elves believe that gender is but a simplification of the spectrum of existence, and that each person is their own individual. A person may identify themselves by any number of labels or titles, but most Elves appear androgynous.


The Elves were born of the Astarta who ventured to the Feywild and pledged themselves undying loyalty to the first Archfey who landed on Aldris, becoming imbued with their power and gaining powerful abilities and near-immortality. The First Elves, known as the Eladrin, still remain within the Feywild and live for an untold number of years, whilst the Elves who have since ventured to the other planes of existence have slowly become less and less tethered to the power of the Fey. Each generation lives a slightly lower number of years and becomes more susceptible to mortal conditions, which has caused a fissure to sping between Elves who wish to keep pure by mating only with Elves, and Elves who care not for the loss of their immortality and wish to love whoever they love.   The Elves of the material plane made up the majority of the Mage Lords during the Age of Divinity, and had enslaved the Gnomes and Halflings of their region along with humans and all other races, save for the magically gifted such as tieflings, aasimars, and some shortfolk that stood out and proved themselves amongst the rest.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
500 Years
Average Height
5'9" to 6'7"
Average Weight
170 to 250 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Elves change their biology to accommodate their environment but in a reversed way as opposed to humans and dwarves. The more time they spend in the sun, the lighter and warmer their skin becomes, whilst time underground will darken and cool their skin tone. Time around certain vegetation and plants will also turn their skin to match the coloring, whilst a lack of it will turn their skin the color of sand, earth, and rock. This is what led to the creation of the various subspecies of Elves: Sun Elves, Wood Elves, Star Elves, Shadow Elves, Dark Elves, Moon Elves, Deep Elves, Star Elves, Sea Elves, Sky Elves, and Snow Elves.

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