Lake Sanniyati

Lake Sanniyati

  The massive Lake Sanniyati sits centrally in Mizra'aki.   Nine nations border Lake Sanniyati, clockwise from the west they are  
  • Glint
  • The Lōka Matribuni
  • The Aven Caliphate
  • The Camian Duocracy
  • Hotria
  • Eastfall
  • Ma'ji
  • Anehriael
  • Dhake
  •   Lake Sanniyati is a major economic force, with goods constantly travelling from one end of the lake to the other. The largest cities of Mizra'aki are on the ocean coasts, but the lake does have its share of significant cities, led by Rar (Anehriael) and Newport (Eastfall).


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