
Mizra'aki is the eastern continent. There are two major mountain ranges (the Zewedi Mountains in the north and the Vanahrut Mountains in the south), and a huge lake, Lake Sanniyati mid-continent.   Mizra'aki is home to six dominant culture groups. Clockwise from due north, these are the  
  • Avenian, a culture strongly identified with the Camylyn faith.
  • Myr, originally an Elven population in the southeast.
  • Nawaz, a Dwarven culture in and around the Vanahrut Mountains.
  • Slovan, stretching from the far southwest across the southern coast of Lake Sanniyati.
  • a'Tori, in the northwest.
  • Lōka, a nomadic nation in the northern half of Mizra'aki.
  Most of Mizra'aki is wet, with only parts of the Lōka Matribuni and the The Aven Caliphate, as well as a variety of the Slovan nations subject to drier conditions.


  • The Cultures of Mizra'aki
    A cultural map of the continent.
Included Locations
Included Organizations