Alendia The Timeline of Alendia Timeline

The Timeline of Alendia

Era of Chaos

... 16300 b BF

The first era of Alendia, in which chaos reigns over the lands and the gods abandoned the world.

  • -17900 bBF

    Entry of Chaos
    Era beginning/end

    Chaos enters the empty world of Alendia with the goal to claim all it's lands. The Mahlstrom, the eternal vortex shall serve as it's source of power.

  • -17700 bBF

    The first great defeat
    Military action

    The old gods lose the first battle against the Chaos. After suffering such a major defeat, they are forced to retreat and the Chaos takes over the continent of Durarin.

  • -17600 bBF

    Retreat of the gods

    The old gods lose more and more ground to the Chaos and without a source of power they are forced to retreat entirely from Alendia. The Chaos becomes the absolute ruler over Alendia.

  • -17400 bBF

    The Awakening

    The first pure creature - 'The Mother' - enters the world of Alendia as a champion of the old gods to fight the chaos. She creates 'The Pale Tree' a second source of power in the center of Durarin, banishing the corruption from this place. She is unable to force the chaos back, yet mighty enough to stand her ground.

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  • -17000 bBF

    The arrival of giants
    Civil action

    Far in the north, the giants enter the world of Alendia, strong enough to claim a bit of land for their tribe to live in. They stand their ground against the forces of Chaos but don't intend to expand any further. They are considered the first race entering the world of Alendia on their own.

  • -16359 bBF

    The birth of the elves
    Civil action

    The Mother creates the elves as a picture of herself to serve as an army against the Chaos. Soon enough the elves grow strong enough to hold back the chaos without the help of the Mother.

  • -16348 bBF

    The beginning
    Military action

    The elves achieve a first major victory in the western lands of Durarin, reclaiming the lands in the name of the gods and their champion - the Mother. The Chaos retreats from western Durarin and gets disconnected from all its forces further in the west.

  • -16342 bBF

    The great hunt
    Military action

    The elves manage to exterminate the corruption in most of the parts of Durarin. The Chaos gets forced back to its last point of retreat - The Mahlstrom.

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  • -16341 bBF

    The Banishment of Chaos
    Military action

    With the last defeat, Chaos is forced to retreat through the Mahlstrom, leaving behind trails of corrupted magic, and unleashes it's last champions, the five Elderdragons: Fire, Ice, Decay, Crystal, and Undead. Fire and Ice fly to the west, Undead to the south, the Crystal disappears, and just the Decay stays in Durarin to fight the elves for all eternity.

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Era of Elves

16300 b BF 9800 b BF

After defeating the chaos, the elves step into a new glorious age of growth and prosperity, but also blood and war.

  • -16000 b BF

    The Appearnce of dragonborns
    Civil action

    Around 16000 b. BF the first clues of dragonborns in Tiakis are found in the shape of relics or ancient texts.

  • -15117 b BF

    The Imprisoning of Decay
    Military action

    After fighting the Decay, the elves finally manage to achieve the final victory and defeat the Decay. It's incredible power prevented them from destroying it entirely, so the elves were forced to seal the Decay deep under the earth in eastern Durarin.

  • -14998 b BF

    -14830 b BF

    The Carval War
    Military action

    The giants declare war on the elves living in Ephea. Their leader, Carval, the first giant wants vengeance for his dead sons. (For details look up the article about the Carval war). The elves are able to defend themselves and with their advanced technology and majority in numbers, they force the giants back without suffering major defeats. In 14830 b. BF Carval sacrifices himself and creates the 'Silver City' - the last bastion of the giants and impregnable fortress of Alendia. Both sides agree to an armistice, which quickly results in peace negotiations.

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  • -14732 b BF

    The great elvish war
    Military action

    The darkelves subject to an outburst of chaotic energy from the Mahlstrom and they dissolve from the united alliance between Highelves, Woodelves, and Darkelves, which results in the greatest civil war Alendia has ever seen. Besides a few cease-fires, these races are hostile, fighting for the two sources of power, the Pale Tree and the Mahlstrom. (For details look up the articles and timeline about the elvish war).

  • -14731 b BF

    The first great prophecy

    The gods seemed to return to Alendia and send a message, called the great prophecy to the creatures of Alendia. It speaks about the future of all elves and the devastating results of their war. (For details look up the article about the great prophecies).

  • -13239 b BF

    The Imprisoning of Ice
    Military action

    The giants expand to the north to claim new lands for their tribe and eventually find the Ice - one of the elder dragons. Due to their incredible strength, they manage to defeat the Ice and seal it in 'The Mountain of the dragon'.

  • -13200 b BF

    The Appearnce of dwarves
    Civil action

    The dwarves enter the world of Alendia in Ephea and the howling mountains. Since most of the elves retreated from Ephea due to the raging war in Durarin, the dwarves can peacefully settle in the mountain ranges of Alendia south from the giant's territory.

  • -10000 b BF

    The Appearnce of orcs
    Civil action

    The orcs appear on the continent of Drakthir. Compared to the dwarves they live rather aggressive, but can't manage to achieve major victories against the dwarves, so they expand to the west, arriving soon enough in Ephea.

  • -9939 b BF

    1 Rondra

    The Arrival of Rondra

    Lathander sends his first champion, Rondra, to Alendia. He fights as a paladin for glory and justice. With his arrival, a new time calculation begins, the calendar of the twelvegods (0 TG).

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  • -9844 b BF

    The second great prophecy

    The gods send the second great prophecy to the oracle.

  • -9819 b BF

    The birth of humans
    Era beginning/end

    Rondra creates humans as a picture of himself with the purpose to defend Ephea from the incessant invasions of orcs.

Era of Humans

9800 b BF 2005 b BF

With the birth of humans, a new era begins. An era, which changed the whole world of Alendia

  • -9737 b BF

    -8014 b BF

    The first holy war
    Military action

    In 9737 b. BF the humans send forth the first Holy Expedition with the goal to eradicate the orcs in the west once and for all. With this expedition, the invasions and skirmishes turn into a raging war.

  • -7916 b BF

    -7914 b BF

    The julish peace
    Political event

    Emperor Julius negotiates peace with the orcs after thousands of years of war. The orcs agree to the deal since Julius promises them to ban further Holy Expeditions or other military actions of similar size. The humans use the time to grow and prosper, settling everywhere in Ephea.

  • -7914 b BF

    The second holy war
    Military action

    Emperor Julius gets assassinated and a new warmonger takes his place. The julish peace contract is breached and the new emperor sends the fourth holy expedition in the west to fight the orcs and the fifth holy expedition to the east with the goal of conquering Durarin.

  • -7409 b BF

    Dieties' sacrifice

    Dieties, the old goddess of the sea sacrifices herself to 'The Maw' a giant monstrosity of the sea. Thereon the Maw disappeared and the raging sea calmed.

  • -7361 b BF

    The growth of the human empire
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the sea being calmed, humans send explorers to the east and south, discovering the Xedan islands, Lusitania, and further smaller islands. They don't hesitate to claim these lands for themselves or as colonies, submitting any creatures and tribes they find with military force. The Genasi from the Xedan islands don't stand their ground for long, just like halflings, gnomes, and other halfbreeds.

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  • -7007 b BF

    The giant defeat
    Military action

    The sixth holy expedition in the north gets completely annihilated by the giants. After such a major defeat, humans tried to negotiate a non-aggression pact with the giants, but they refused. Nevertheless non of each attacked the other one ever again.

  • -6432 b BF

    The great decimation
    Political event

    The emperor arranges a giant decimation all over the human's empire to restore order and obedience. The result is a long-lasting 'peace' with no attempts of revolutions or resistances.

  • -5002 b BF

    The expulsion of the Fire
    Military action

    The humans banish the Fire, the elderdragon, from Ephea. It retreats to the fire island and wasn't seen since that day.

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  • -4441 b BF

    -4388 b BF

    The dragon war
    Military action

    The emperor of humans sends the eighth holy expedition to the south to conquer the lands of Tiakis, resulting in a positional war. In 4388 b. BF every single soldier of the expedition disappears.

  • -4057 b BF

    Discovery of the Undead
    Discovery, Exploration

    The ninth holy expedition discovers the Undead, the elderdragon far in the south. It turns out that this dragon controls the undead creatures harassing the coasts of Tiakis. The result is a raging war against the unknown powers of necromancy.

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  • -3478 b BF

    -3458 b BF

    The holy exploration

    The tenth and eleventh holy expeditions are sent to the east and west with the goal of discovering the borders of Alendia. After twenty years both of them return from their journey unable to finish the task.

  • -2005 b BF

    The point of hope

    The twelfth holy expedition gets destroyed by elvish forces in Durarin, which results in the humans retreating from the continent. Inspired by the victorious elves, other creatures start to resist the supremacy of humans, forcing them to retreat their troops and garrisons, ie. from the mountain ranges of Ephea, Durarin, and Tiakis.

Era of resistance

2005 b BF 0 b BF

  • -2005 b BF

    The point of hope

    The twelfth holy expedition gets destroyed by elvish forces in Durarin, which results in the humans retreating from the continent. Inspired by the victorious elves, other creatures start to resist the supremacy of humans, forcing them to retreat their troops and garrisons, ie. from the mountain ranges of Ephea, Durarin, and Tiakis.

  • -714 b BF

    Defeat of the 13th
    Military action

    The 13th holy expedition discovers the true seat of the Undead and manages to wound it grievously. Nevertheless, the expedition gets shattered. This defeat shall go down in history as the greatest defeat humans have ever suffered.

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  • -537 b BF

    The death of the Undead
    Military action

    After years of war, the fourteenth holy expedition defeats the elderdragon Undead. It is the first time an elderdragon doesn't get banished and sealed, but rather outright killed. With the death of the Undead, the source of necromancy power is weakened by a lot, just like the chaos energy corrupting the southern lands.

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  • -444 b BF

    The rise of Freital
    Era beginning/end

    In the center of the human empire, a force of resistance rises, abusing the fact of the empire's forces fighting at the edges of the nation and being weakened from the fight against the Undead. Freiland declares it's independence from the empire and claims the now so-called Freiland islands as their own territory as fighters against cruelty and intolerance.

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  • 0 b BF

    13 Gwenth 17:00

    The golden age
    Era beginning/end

    Emperor Brimstone dies from a fall from a fortress tower. With that result, a new calendar begins and this year is known as '0 Brimstone's Fall'. His son Lawrence claims his rightful place, the throne, and starts with peace negotiations all over the world, even with the orcs no matter the costs. Other era changing results: Disarmament of the human military with the goal to support the economy, research, culture, and arranging alliances with other creatures.

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The golden age

0 b BF and beyond

With the death of Brimstone, the new emperor negotiates for a world-wide peace with all nations and tries to unite them all under one banner.

  • 0 BF

    13 Gwenth 17:00

    The golden age
    Era beginning/end

    Emperor Brimstone dies from a fall from a fortress tower. With that result, a new calendar begins and this year is known as '0 Brimstone's Fall'. His son Lawrence claims his rightful place, the throne, and starts with peace negotiations all over the world, even with the orcs no matter the costs. Other era changing results: Disarmament of the human military with the goal to support the economy, research, culture, and arranging alliances with other creatures.

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  • 2 BF

    19 Melandru

    The Council of Nations
    Political event

    King Lawrence creates 'the council of nations', a meeting with diplomats from all over the world to discuss global issues. The first meeting is on the 1. Rondra 2, a diplomat of every race, but the orcs show up since the greenskins still don't trust the schemes of Lawrence. They participate in the second council one year later.

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  • 8 BF

    4 Fjorm

    Discovery of Gunpowder
    Discovery, Scientific

    The gunpowder is discovered by dwarves high up in the mountains. Although this substance seems to be quite rare and hard to handle, scientists are convinced it could lead Alendia into a new era.

  • 20 BF

    1 Rondra
    22 BF

    27 Turis

    The great quest
    Discovery, Exploration

    The seventeenth holy expedition is sent out because of rumors about large undead activity in the south. King Lawrence doesn't want to risk a rise of a new threat and immediately sends a large army to the south, trusting his alliances to protect him in case someone would dare to attack the empire. After two years they return without finding any clues of the undead.

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