Humans Species in Alendia | World Anvil


Who would've guessed that such younglings with that high of misplaced self-esteem bear such fury and anger and conquer the world?
Grodgril Brewbane

Humans are one of the youngest, but most common of races in Alendia. From the furthest point in the north of Ephea to the southern tip of Lusitania, from Tiakis to Durarin, they spread all over the new world and even further. Most humans can be found either in Ephea, the so-called home continent or in the colonies in Lusitania. Creatures of different races see humans as orderly, competitive, hard-working, but also as manipulable, emotional, and greedy. The Human Empire is arguably the mightiest and richest nation in Alendia, even after Brimstone's Fall.  


If you are looking for details about the human history, check out History of the Humans


The history of humans is compared to the history of other races very precisely documented. Most events have an exact date to them. With the birth of humans, the era of humans begins and with that, disruption or change in the whole world of Alendia happens. While the influence of humans was only regional in the continent of Ephea and Drakthirr at first, they soon started to advance and spread all over the world. This expansion was founded on war most of the time. The humans subjugated a lot of different races throughout the whole world of Alendia or even eradicated some of them. Over 6000 years of war made the human empire grow from Ephea over parts of Durarin and Tiakis up to the whole continent of Lusitania. With that, the humans spread a lot of their traditions, culture, religion, and attitude to new continents. In 2005 b. BF the Great Empire started to shatter and disintegrate, only able to keep control over territories in Ephea and Lusitania. With Brimstones Fall, the new ruler, King Laurence attempted a new way; the way of diplomacy and gathering allies. With that, a worldwide peace occurred, even though the relations between some races are really vague and unstable.
Due to the cruel, warlike history, humans are still often seen as warmongers, aggressive creatures with the only goal to subjugate creatures of other races. But with King Lawrence Brimstone, the humans really work to recondition their image and lay down the face of enslavers, villains, and death bringers.


Humans live in a classical monarchy with a king or emperor as their ruler. The line of succession is based on the bloodline of Rondra, the creator and unofficial first king of humans. There was only one historical event, the attempt of an aristocracy 4387-4386 b. BF, which was doomed to fall by the Twelve-Gods. Humans don't split into different natural subraces like elves or dwarves, but rather divide into different ethnical groups. The following were the largest ethnic groups in Alendia:
  • Epheans : These humans are often denoted as the 'standard' or 'original' version of humans. They live in all parts of Ephea and form the core of the human empire on their home continent. These humans can be further classified into Epheans of Lionstone and Humans of Freeland.
  • Nornurii : These people live in Nornuria far up in the north of Ephea. Because of their significantly larger size, they can be easily mistaken as half-giants or Goliaths. They are very distrustful of strangers and live very isolated and reserved. Due to the cold climate, they can endure colder temperatures than a normal human. They live in their own monarchy, independent from the throne of Ephea.
  • Lusitanians : These rather dark-skinned people live in Lusitania , the colonies of the human empire. The continent of Lusitania is divided into multiple nations and just like this, the Lusitanians themself split into different multiple subgroups as well. Every nation is ruled by a different sovereign, set in by the highest monarch of humans. Lusitanians are often seen as very emotional, spirited, and lively.
Another subdivision based on political motivations is the following:

The throne of Lionstone

The highest seat, the place of the most powerful mortal in the empire of humans and whole Alendia might be the throne of Lionstone. It is the throne of all humans and is claimed by the rightful ruler. There are strict rules and traditions made up by humans' very first kings and emperors to ensure the line of succession.
  1. The king of Lionstone is the highest ruler of all humans, a representative of Rondra and his heir, and the highest judge.
  2. The king forfeits his right to the throne either in death or if he chooses so voluntarily.
  3. The right to the throne is inherited by the first son of the officiating king. If there is no such heir, the right to the throne is transposed to the closest male family member to the king.
  4. If the next male family member is further than five degrees away from the officiating king, he can decide that the throne is temporarily claimed by his oldest daughter. In that case, the right of the throne is transposed to her husband, once the marriage is done. Traditionally these marriages are arranged rather quickly, the husband being either a distant relative or influential nobleman and the marriage is arranged before the officiating king forfeits the right to the throne.
These rules are defined to ensure the persistence of the bloodline of Rondra and to prevent the throne from falling into non-worthy hands. The claimer of the throne is allowed to use sovereigns or noblemen to administrate different regions of the human empire. Especially the thrones of the eight colonies in Lusitania follow similar rulings of inheritance.

Articles under Humans

Creation of the creator

9939 b BF 9819 b BF

  • 9939 b BF

    1 Rondra

    The Arrival of Rondra

    Lathander sends his first champion, Rondra, to Alendia. He fights as a paladin for glory and justice. With his arrival, a new time calculation begins, the calendar of the twelvegods (0 TG).

    Additional timelines
  • 9819 b BF

    Birth of the humans
    Civil action

    The humans appear in Alendia. Legends say they are sacred creations of Rondra and Lathander to assist them in fighting for glory and justice. They settle in the western continent of Ephea and construct the city of Löwenstein on the eastern coast of Ephea and quickly expand, claiming more land around the capital.

Age of Rondra

9819 b BF 9054 b BF

As creator and first leader of humans, Rondra leads the humans into an age of glory, prosperity and war.

  • 9819 b BF

    Birth of the humans
    Civil action

    The humans appear in Alendia. Legends say they are sacred creations of Rondra and Lathander to assist them in fighting for glory and justice. They settle in the western continent of Ephea and construct the city of Löwenstein on the eastern coast of Ephea and quickly expand, claiming more land around the capital.

  • 9805 b BF

    9766 b BF

    The orcish skirmishes
    Military action

    Further in the west, in Drakthir, the orcs settled and claimed this continent as their own. Unable to conquer the mountain ranges in the north, since the resistance of the dwarves is indomitable, they eye the continent of Ephea and the new appeared weak creatures of humans. They don't dare to plunder and pillage villages until Rondra and a major part of the human forces leave the continent to help out an old friend in the Mitractulum. With that, the orcs start raiding unprotected villages, pillaging minor stocks and camps and conquer more and more land of Ephea.

  • 9766 b BF

    The human orc war
    Military action

    After years of harassment, destruction, chaos, and assaults Rondra declares an official war against the orcs, turning the former skirmishes into structured battles in an attempt to protect the human cities and villages from the orcish raids. Knowing they are physically weaker than orcs by a lot, the humans focus on researching advanced technologies, looking for allies in the north, and improving their strategical understanding of a structured battle. It doesn't take long until the humans can defend their major cities from the orcish raids and soon they reach the point of even attacking them back.

  • 9737 b BF

    9707 b BF

    The first holy expedition
    Military action

    Rondra assigns thousands, maybe even tens of thousands trained and educated soldiers to a group called 'The holy expedition' with the goal to conquer major parts of Ephea from the orcs. The morale of the army was outstanding, not just getting the blessings of the old gods, but also having a clear motivation to fight against the hated foe of the orcs for justice and vengeance. Because of years of preparation, the technological advantage, and the modern structured appearance on the battlefield, the army is able to push the orcs back quickly, claiming major parts of south-eastern Ephea and advances further to the west. After 30 years of war, they reach the highlands in the west, unable to make further progress, so they settle there, constructing huge fortification systems like the Black Fortress and Feuerfels, which shall serve as outstanding defensive points.

  • 9717 b BF

    Rondra's Ascension
    Religious event

    Because of the outstanding achievements of Rondra, the successful ongoing war against the orcs, the conquest of Ephea, the growth of the human empire, and the great adventures and monster hunts, the humans start to see Rondra not just as a creator and leader, but as a godly being and savior. Although Rondra does not accept the title of a god, the humans see him as such, treating him as a chosen of the gods.

    Additional timelines
  • 9700 b BF

    Gathering allies
    Diplomatic action

    After the war, Rondra sends small groups of scouts and delegations into different directions, looking for potential allies and alliances. The dwarves in the north agree to a defensive alliance and strengthen the trade agreements. In the east, Rondra himself negotiates a non-aggression pact with the high- and woodelves and sets up a valuable trade agreement, exchanging elvish goods for trained human fighters to support the elves in the civil war against the darkelves. Many other minor races, like Genasi, Halflings, and Gnomes agree to non-aggression pacts as well, most of them even looking to get integrated into the human empire. Only the Dragonborn in the south and the giants in the north prefer to stay neutral.

  • 9141 b BF

    9130 b BF

    The second holy expedition
    Military action

    Rondra declares the second holy expedition, looking to the west for room to expand. As before the army is trained, with high morale and outstanding fighting strategies, but due to the unknown terrain in Drakthir, the humans only make slow progress and claim only small parts of eastern Drakthir. Arriving at river Notolon after 11 years, Rondra has to end the conquest, because the dwarves in the north didn't want the humans to grow too strong and threatened to cease the alliance and trade agreements with the humans.

  • 9054 b BF

    14 Ker

    Rondra's death
    Life, Death

    Rondra dies of old age and leaves behind his wife Turis and his son Secular, who is meant to claim the throne of humans. After Rondra's death, the humans found a new pantheon, feeling no connection to the old gods anymore, but to their creator and savior. For the first couple of years, they believe in strict monotheism, but soon the pantheon expands and the humans start adding new beings to it, until the pantheon of the twelvegods is completed.

Age of the heirs

9054 b BF 7914 b BF

After Rondra's death, his son Secular claims the throne, leading the humans into a classical monarchy. This age is known for stability, growth, and security and is a major reason for the growing power of the human race.

  • 9054 b BF

    14 Ker

    Rondra's death
    Life, Death

    Rondra dies of old age and leaves behind his wife Turis and his son Secular, who is meant to claim the throne of humans. After Rondra's death, the humans found a new pantheon, feeling no connection to the old gods anymore, but to their creator and savior. For the first couple of years, they believe in strict monotheism, but soon the pantheon expands and the humans start adding new beings to it, until the pantheon of the twelvegods is completed.

  • 9053 b BF

    1 Talvin
    8817 b BF

    The first king
    Political event

    Rondra's first son, Secular inherits the throne of humans and is crowned as the first official king of them. Unlike his father, he follows a defensive strategy, building up the empire from the inside and leading it to wealth and prosperity. With that, humans adapt the monarchy as a form of government, which prevails up to this day.

  • 8573 b BF

    The iron line
    Military action

    The fire, the elder dragon, one of the mightiest champions of the chaos expands from northern Ephea further to the south and destroys many villages and minor unprotected cities of the human empire. King Xanther decides to move a big part of the human army from the western borders of the empire to the north, at least being able to hold back the dragon. These forces are known as the iron line, indomitable and persistent to defend the lands from the dragon and his assaults. Due to the lack of troops, the orcs are able to cross the Notolon and conquer the major fortresses and defensive camps in Drakthir. Over the years, they push the humans back further and further and invade even the borders of Ephea.

  • 8019 b BF

    8014 b BF

    The third holy expedition
    Military action

    King Hyckreon calls out the third holy expedition, asking for Rondra to bless the united forces of humans, reconquering the lost territory in western Ephea. Since the orcs adapted over the years and advanced in technology just as well, the humans are unable to overstep the continental boundary at the highlands.

  • 7916 b BF

    7914 b BF

    The julian peace
    Diplomatic action

    After claiming the throne, King Julius, who was said to be a pacifist, attempts the route of peace. He negotiates a peace treaty with the orcs, after losing control over major parts of western Ephea to them, scared to lose even more. The orcs agree under the condition of banning holy expeditions. With that agreement, King Julius lost a lot of reputation from peasants, soldiers, nobles and even generals. Two years later, his brother Barkun attempts a Coupe, plots the assassination of King Julius and claims the throne for himself.

  • 7914 b BF

    The breach of all honesty
    Era beginning/end

    King Barkun claims the throne of humans and nullifies the peace treaty with the orcs immediately, just like the ban of holy expeditions. He instantaneously sends the fourth expedition to the west, surprising the orcs, which were busy fighting the dwarves in the north and reconquers the territory of Ephea in almost no time. Instead of pushing further, knowing how hard to overcome the land of Drakthir is, Barkun instead fortified forces in the highlands and used the remaining soldiers to bundle up the fifth expedition and sends them straight to the east to the continent of Durarin. The attacked elves agree to act as the empire's puppet state since they don't have the forces to fight against humans and darkelves at once.

Age of War

7914 b BF 2005 b BF

With Barkun claiming the throne, the empire of humans falls into the darkest age. Many cruel emperors followed Barkun's ways, the number of generous, modest, peaceful leaders being comparably small. The human empire quickly expands and submits most of the major races in the world of Alendia, even former allies.

  • 7914 b BF

    The breach of all honesty
    Era beginning/end

    King Barkun claims the throne of humans and nullifies the peace treaty with the orcs immediately, just like the ban of holy expeditions. He instantaneously sends the fourth expedition to the west, surprising the orcs, which were busy fighting the dwarves in the north and reconquers the territory of Ephea in almost no time. Instead of pushing further, knowing how hard to overcome the land of Drakthir is, Barkun instead fortified forces in the highlands and used the remaining soldiers to bundle up the fifth expedition and sends them straight to the east to the continent of Durarin. The attacked elves agree to act as the empire's puppet state since they don't have the forces to fight against humans and darkelves at once.

  • 7913 b BF

    7409 b BF

    Crossing the sea

    After subjugating the elves in the east, humans look for a way to cross the large ocean to the southeast for many hundreds of years. Monsters, abominations, pirates, devastating storms, and obstructive ocean currents prevent them from going further. After Dieties' sacrifice in 7409 b BF and the victory over the Maw, the sea finally calms and the humans arrive at the continent of Lusitania. The inherits are overwhelmed by the human's organization, fighting technique, advanced technology, and numbers of soldiers, making it easy to conquer the continent. The human emperor appoints different counts and other nobles to administer the continent, dividing it that way into multiple regions and colonies. This conquest is meant to be the start of the so-called Great Empire.

  • 7361 b BF

    The growth of the human empire
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the sea being calmed, humans send explorers to the east and south, discovering the Xedan islands, Lusitania, and further smaller islands. They don't hesitate to claim these lands for themselves or as colonies, submitting any creatures and tribes they find with military force. The Genasi from the Xedan islands don't stand their ground for long, just like halflings, gnomes, and other halfbreeds.

    Additional timelines
  • 7010 b BF

    The Nornurii
    Civil action

    King Valach sends the sixth holy expedition to the north. The civilians find fallow lands and settle a few minor villages and fortifications. Over the years and because of multiple different political occurrences, those humans adapt to the cold climate and soon gain sounverenity. (For details look up the timeline of Nornurii)

  • 7007 b BF

    The sixth holy expedition
    Disaster / Destruction

    King Valach sends the sixth holy expedition to the north, attempting to defeat the giants and claim their territory. The army gets annihilated by the giants after just a few years of war. King Valach retreats most of the forces, leaving the humans settling in the north behind.

  • 6432 b BF

    13 Rondra
    2005 b BF

    27 Melandru

    The Azurian Peace
    Era beginning/end

    Emperor Azur arranges the great decimation to restore order and loyalty in the Great Empire. At 13. Rondra 6432 b BF, he orders generals to randomly choose a high number of humanoids, no matter the age, gender, race, profession, or location and execute them in publicity. His private army, the so-called Azurieri, is commissioned to fulfill the cruel tasks and ensure order all over the Great Empire. The result of this cruel decimation is a long-lasting inner 'peace', also called the Azurian peace or the false peace. Many uprising minor nations, trying to gain independence from the human empire are shut down, ie the conquest of the Nornurii, the reintegration of the human colonies.

  • 5002 b BF

    The expulsion of the Fire
    Military action

    The humans banish the Fire, the elderdragon, from Ephea. It retreats to the fire island and wasn't seen since that day.

    Additional timelines
  • 4441 b BF

    4388 b BF

    The dragon war
    Military action

    King Julian takes over the task to conquer the continent of Tiakis in the southwest, but the cliffs of Tiakis seem almost insurmountable and even after the eight holy expedition manages to dock, the Dragonborn turn out to be tough opponents, their strategical understanding not minor, their strength overwhelming and the terrain being most hostile for invaders. The expedition makes slow progress and only conquers the northeastern corner of Tiakis (called New Tiakis) after years of ongoing positional war. In 4388 b BF the whole holy expedition with all soldiers and generals disappears as they try to sail around the eastern coast of the continent. Because of such a major defeat, King Julian gets removed from the throne.

  • 4387 b BF

    4386 b BF

    The first aristocracy
    Political event

    Removing King Julian from the throne, a few nobles try to take over the leadership of the Great Empire, taking the aristocracy of the elves as an example. But this government is doomed to fall, the gods, not pleased with such a change, punish the humans with droughts devastating floods, major defeats against the Dragonborn and other disasters. In a desperate attempt to please the gods, the nobles decide to put King Martin on the throne, a grand cousin of King Julian, being the closest to this bloodline.

  • 4057 b BF

    Discovery of the Undead
    Discovery, Exploration

    The ninth holy expedition discovers the Undead, the elderdragon far in the south. It turns out that this dragon controls the undead creatures harassing the coasts of Tiakis. The result is a raging war against the unknown powers of necromancy.

    Additional timelines
  • 3478 b BF

    3458 b BF

    The holy exploration

    The tenth and eleventh holy expeditions are sent to the east and west with the goal of discovering the borders of Alendia. They conquer many minor islands - today called "the old world", discovering and subjugating a big variety of unknown creatures. Because of the threat of too far expanding borders, the Great Empire can't afford to use military forces to claim the territories so far away from the Capital. After twenty years both expeditions return from their journey unable to finish the task of discovering the borders of Alendia.

  • 2005 b BF

    The elvish revolution

    Due to administration issues and the urgent wish for a change, more and more revolutions, resistances, or at least attempts of such rise up all over the Great Empire. The biggest threat is a group of freedom fighters of elves in Durarin, the numbers rapidly growing. King Gallus is forced to send the twelfth holy expedition to Durarin, trying to maintain order. In 2005 b BF the expedition is shattered and destroyed, forcing the human empire to leave the continent of Durarin and retreat to Ephea. The rumors and stories about the defeat of the Great Empire rapidly spread with the result of further similar resistances for example in Tiakis and the mountain ranges of Ephea. This event is known as 'The point of hope' to many non-human creatures.

Age of Resistance

2005 b BF 0 b BF

  • 2005 b BF

    The elvish revolution

    Due to administration issues and the urgent wish for a change, more and more revolutions, resistances, or at least attempts of such rise up all over the Great Empire. The biggest threat is a group of freedom fighters of elves in Durarin, the numbers rapidly growing. King Gallus is forced to send the twelfth holy expedition to Durarin, trying to maintain order. In 2005 b BF the expedition is shattered and destroyed, forcing the human empire to leave the continent of Durarin and retreat to Ephea. The rumors and stories about the defeat of the Great Empire rapidly spread with the result of further similar resistances for example in Tiakis and the mountain ranges of Ephea. This event is known as 'The point of hope' to many non-human creatures.

  • 714 b BF

    Defeat of the 13th
    Military action

    The 13th holy expedition discovers the true seat of the Undead and manages to wound it grievously. Nevertheless, the expedition gets shattered. This defeat shall go down in history as the greatest defeat humans have ever suffered.

    Additional timelines
  • 537 b BF

    The death of the Undead
    Military action

    After years of war, the fourteenth holy expedition defeats the elderdragon Undead. It is the first time an elderdragon doesn't get banished and sealed, but rather outright killed. With the death of the Undead, the source of necromancy power is weakened by a lot, just like the chaos energy corrupting the southern lands.

    Additional timelines
  • 444 b BF

    The rise of Freital
    Era beginning/end

    In the center of the human empire, a force of resistance rises, abusing the fact of the empire's forces fighting at the edges of the nation and being weakened from the fight against the Undead. Freiland declares it's independence from the empire and claims the now so-called Freiland islands as their own territory as fighters against cruelty and intolerance.

    Additional timelines
  • 0 b BF

    13 Gwenth 17:00

    The golden age
    Era beginning/end

    Emperor Brimstone dies from a fall from a fortress tower. With that result, a new calendar begins and this year is known as '0 Brimstone's Fall'. His son Lawrence claims his rightful place, the throne, and starts with peace negotiations all over the world, even with the orcs no matter the costs. Other era changing results: Disarmament of the human military with the goal to support the economy, research, culture, and arranging alliances with other creatures.

    Additional timelines

The golden age

0 b BF and beyond

  • 0 b BF

    13 Gwenth 17:00

    The golden age
    Era beginning/end

    Emperor Brimstone dies from a fall from a fortress tower. With that result, a new calendar begins and this year is known as '0 Brimstone's Fall'. His son Lawrence claims his rightful place, the throne, and starts with peace negotiations all over the world, even with the orcs no matter the costs. Other era changing results: Disarmament of the human military with the goal to support the economy, research, culture, and arranging alliances with other creatures.

    Additional timelines
  • 2 BF

    19 Melandru

    The Council of Nations
    Political event

    King Lawrence creates 'the council of nations', a meeting with diplomats from all over the world to discuss global issues. The first meeting is on the 1. Rondra 2, a diplomat of every race, but the orcs show up since the greenskins still don't trust the schemes of Lawrence. They participate in the second council one year later.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 BF

    1 Rondra
    22 BF

    27 Turis

    The great quest
    Discovery, Exploration

    The seventeenth holy expedition is sent out because of rumors about large undead activity in the south. King Lawrence doesn't want to risk a rise of a new threat and immediately sends a large army to the south, trusting his alliances to protect him in case someone would dare to attack the empire. After two years they return without finding any clues of the undead.

    Additional timelines