Callista Nazenne (Seersdaughter)

Duchess Callista Tormevi (a.k.a. Seersdaughter)

In theory, Callista Nazenne is the current duchess of Byfox... but, she's supposed to be dead. In 845, in the Second Cleansing of Milana, her parents and three of her younger siblings were murdered by soldiers under the command of Lady Kendra Ovresti (who was actually their cousin, but who's counting?). Callista and her youngest sister, Aida, escaped the melee and actually managed to live for a few months in the grasslands, surviving off the kindness of terrified villagers and constantly on the move. Eventually, however, Kendra- who had been hunting down the two with Soul Stealer Ebony Sharmure- caught up and slaughtered the nine-year-old Aida. Callista, enraged and horrified, fought back with magic and caught Ebony's attention. Instead of killing her as well, Ebony decided to imprison her in the ruins of Nazenne Manor with the skeletons of her family, telling Kendra that she, too, was dead.   It didn't last long. Callista, furious and grieving, broke free the night Ebony planned to leave, and she torched the ruins of the place- presumably killing Ebony in the process. From March to June, 846, she roamed the countryside keeping one step ahead of her enemies and planning to find allies in her aunt Kiernen's new country, Lolinglas.   While her mother Vevra II was not, in fact, a seeress, Callista took on the moniker in order to make a living while on the run. She would tell fortunes and solve petty problems in exchange for food and shelter. Calling herself Seersdaughter legitimized her industry and played into the myth that hereditary magic-users were more powerful.

Nazennes of Byfox



Callista Nazenne (Seersdaughter)


Towards Annemarie Bennett


Annemarie Bennett


Towards Callista Nazenne (Seersdaughter)


Date of Birth
30 Month 4, 827
Year of Birth
827 AF 20 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The eldest of five Nazenne children, great-grandaughter of Queen Agnes and grand-niece of Queen Kiernen.
Golden brown
Black and coily, often braided in two French braids or tied into a loose bun.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep brown