the Cleansing of the House of Tormevi

A betrayal of horrifying proportions. While the main event only occurred for a few months, the whole conspiracy had been in the works for about six years.

The Conflict


810: Cousins Onesta Silver, Magda and Niceto Tormevi, and Niceto's wife Adela, meet and begin plotting new leadership for the Royal House of Tormevi. Everyone has very different reasons for wanting to betray Queen Agnes but they share the desire for change.

  811: Talks begin in earnest. Before it was really just speculation but now, they wonder if things might actually be possible. Marriage possibilities are thrown out (mostly by the Tormevis, who think like that traditionally). Onesta and Magda consider a partnership between crown princess Kiernen and crown prince Forde.

  812: They come up with a plan! It's fantastic, but Kiernen is twelve and- even for royal families- that's really young for marriage. Milani relations with Iona are good, but not that good and to propose a fast betrothal that soon would arouse suspicion.

  813: A waiting game begins. The plan is tweaked more and more.

  814: Onesta's 15-year-old daughter Evadne is betrothed to Niceto and Adela's 14-year-old son Bartolomeo. Neither child knows of the plot, but they like each other a lot and it seems to be a successful idea.

  815: Evadne and Bartolomeo's marriage is just as successful as they anticipated, and Evadne gives birth to their son Maximus within the year.
Magda's niece, crown princess Kiernen, is formally betrothed to Onesta's son Forde. The marriage, Onesta hopes, will ally Milana and Iona and make it easier to absorb the larger nation.

The Engagement


  Kiernen, who is now sixteen, marries Forde, who is almost twenty. Queen Agnes and her consort, Loldor, are delighted at the match- both their other children married internally- and, in their happiness, suspect nothing. While honeymooning in Merriford, Magda, Onesta, Niceto, and Adela strike.
  They don't get their hands dirty, of course. The plan is to pass off blame onto Chamurian assassins (mercenaries, of course), rush into the rooms of the dead, and scream for help. This is where things go wrong. The assassins are smart and upset to be paid far below what the job demands, so they finish off every member of the royal family that they can get their hands on... except for Magda. Magda rushes in, expecting to see only Agnes and Loldor dead but finds them all- and the next person to arrive finds Magda, standing over the bodies. This is only a little bit incriminating, but lucky for her the damage is done- even if she later takes the fall for it and is executed. Milana, reliant on a tradition of peaceful transfer of power, is taken aback and looks towards the surviving members of the family- Baudri Tormevi, who is already on his way back to Atriane with his children, and Kiernen, who is still honeymooning and knows nothing.


Not long after the massacre, messengers arrive at Merriford- along with every other major town and city, of course. They reach Kiernen first and, hearing of her mother-in-law's betrayal, immediately suspects her new husband of being in on the plot. She makes plans to escape with Laren, her brother-in-law who she trusts wholeheartedly, and runs. Because of complications, Laren is left behind but he never breathes a word of her whereabouts.

  Back in Swynden, Magda is executed for the murder of her siblings and niece. Iona rushes in and, for a time, is considered the savior of the last vestiges of stability.



  Kiernen was wrong. Forde had no knowledge of the plot, and after hearing what had happened and finding her gone, he goes after her. He and her brother Baudri make a motley pair, chasing empty clues across the country, but eventually, they find her in Iolän- and find that she's given birth to their daughter Kendra, who is now almost two. The three discuss options and ultimately decide that Kiernen should return with her brother and daughter to Atriane. Forde would return to Morfinduil, demand the throne from his mother, and work to rebuild.
  Once again, however, things go wrong and they are attacked. In the confusion, Baudri is killed, Forde is wounded, and Kendra ends up with her father. Kiernen is forced to run with the knowledge that she is the last remaining loyal, adult Tormevi, and her political career begins in full. Forde ultimately succumbs to his wounds, but he and Kendra make it back to Morfinduil before it happens and he entrusts Kendra's care to his brother. Recently widowed himself, Laren adopts Kendra and- to this day- has raised her as his own.

Historical Significance

In Literature

“The moment you choose your country over your child… no matter how strategic, no matter how logical it is, no matter how hopeless things would be if you’d chosen otherwise? It haunts me to this day. I didn’t know Forde was injured, and even if I’d known I don’t know if I’d still be able to make the other choice.” Kiernen sighed, looked down at her folded hands. They were rough and scarred- hands few of her ancestors had borne. “Everything that happened to your Callista is, in a way, my fault. The second Fall is, in a way, my fault. Every drop of blood my daughter has spilled? All on me. And yet I doubt I ever had an alternative.”
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Milana is officially viewed as a fallen nation, and Lolinglas, again, bears the title of independent nation. Iona is the dominant nation on the continent.



Onesta Silver
Magda Tormevi
Niceto Tormevi
Adela Rummi
12 Chamurian assassins
Loyal members of the guard
Fausta Tormevi
Cornelis Tormevi
Jochem Tormevi
Queen Agnes Tormevi
King Consort Loldor Chiethelt
Vevra Tormevi

  Kiernen Tormevi
Forde Ovresti
Laren Ovresti
Baudri IV Tormevi


Magda Tormevi
Niceto Tormevi
Adela Rummi
Fausta Tormevi
Cornelis Tormevi
Jochem Tormevi
Queen Agnes Tormevi
King Consort Loldor Chiethelt
Vevra Tormevi

  Forde Ovresti
Baudri IV Tormevi


Kill the immediate royal family (Queen Agnes, King Loldor, Baudri, and Vevra. NOT Kiernen or any of her aunts and uncles)
Survive; later to keep Kiernen and Kendra alive and capable of rebuilding Milana.