Iron Peak Settlement in Alfee's Creation | World Anvil
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Iron Peak

Once a hill rich in iron, now the capital of the Ehron Horde. Iron Peak was a early mine of the Ehron horde and being both easy defended and an economic center it quickly over took the old capital of Thunderground for relevance. After the the Rehai attempted conquest, showed how undefended Thunderground was, the Grand Horned Lord of Ehron of the time, Uhgos Lunarchant moved the capital to Iron Peak.


Built in to the cliff, the old parts are only exessable by the winding path, how ever the fields to the north are surrounded by earthen walls and moats.

Industry & Trade

Mining, iron smiting, preparing stone for rune crafting

Natural Resources

The iron mines are still active but not to the same extent of the founding, the stone found in the deeper parts of the mines is perfect for rune stones.
Alternative Name(s)
New Thunderground
Owning Organization

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