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Light Lord's Infirmary

This multistory building stands just west of the Cathedral of St. Cia in the ancient city of Orialis. Sick from all over the city are brought here to find cures for their ailments, and even travelers come from far and wide to have rare and dangerous conditions tended to at this infirmary. When a new terrible sickness arises in another land, healers from this infirmary are often sent for in order to help quell the disease. The healers of Light Lord's Infirmary often go by the moniker of "The Menders."

Purpose / Function

"Adherent Silvia Kiranan started this place in order to provide healing for the growing population within this fine city. Now we have taken it upon ourselves to heal all that are brought to our doors, whether they are from Orialis or as far away as the Badlands. You sit in these chairs wishing to learn what we have to teach. Whether you mean to stay or return to your villages you must know the life of a healer is hard. You see the grievous of injuries, and you will see too many lights leave the eyes of those you know and those you don't. However, when a life is saved or you help a mother deliver life into this world, that helps the balance."     - DUEANA MORLAN, Mistress of the Infirmary addressing her students.


The original structure was torn down in 1083 P.I to make way for a new larger building for the infirmary. This was the marble structure that is currently standing with its original two floors. The structure stood like this for almost 300 years, until a virulent plague swept across the continent. The Azure Plague ravaged Orialis in particular, and people were beginning to bring their sick as well. With the influx of sick, builders scrambled to create enough space at The Light Lord's Infirmary, thus creating the upper four floors that are not in line with the original architecture. Currently the bottom two floors of the building is the actual hospital where the sick are healed. The upper floors are mostly classrooms and living quarters for those wishing to study their now.


The first two floors of the infirmary are constructed with fine white marble. Support pillars surround the first floor of the structure, and at the tops and bottoms of these pillars present intricate deep cerulean blue lacework. The fine marble staircase leads to deep mahogany doors, on their fronts is a small mark, the infirmary's symbol, a simple equal sided cross with a burst of yellow behind it. The upper four floors of the structure were created in haste due to the rising need in healing. Floors three through six are made with fine wood from the nearby forest. It is even said that the Firbolg Warblers came to chant the support beams into existence. The upper floors, though architecturally out of place, are well made and aesthetically pleasing. They are painted a bright yellow, almost seeming like a suspended light in the city, to gather the attention of all those that need healing.


The Light Lord's Infirmary was started by Adherent Silvia Kiranan of the Cianist enclave in 1056 P.I. Her and a small group of acolytes wished to create a place where the sick can come to be healed and tended to. By 1200 P.I. though the structure had grown, and those that ran the infirmary became renowned as healers throughout all of Northern Algonys. With their increased success and notoriety, the healers of Light Lord's Infirmary began to teach and send out their healers to different parts of the land. It is the mark of a wealthy village that their healer has made the journey to Orialis in order to study at the infirmary.
Founding Date
1056 P.I.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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