
Alhambarain was created approximately 819 billion years ago due to the collision of two universes which did not completely merge, creating the overlapping area now known as Alhambarain. The edges of Alhambarain are guarded by the Fylkes Universi , deities sent by Al-Fulkey, the creator god to protect Alhambarain from people coming in and keeping people in.  

Creation & History

  About 819 billion years ago, two large universes started colliding. However, they eventually stopped colliding, creating the overlapping area known as Alhambarain. The reason they stopped colliding remains unknown, but there are many theories.  

Tempus Damnatorum

  Tempus Damnatorum is the longest period in the history of Alhambarain. It lasted from 819 billion years ago to 451 billion years ago.  


  Tempus Damnatorum translated to Time of the Damned. It was given the name by Umrenan E'Seqrur because there was no known life other than the Malēnians during that period.  


  Umrenan E'Seqrur says that only 18% of the period's total history has been discovered. It was discovered through the astronomical observations and geological research of E'Muntasiq E'Seqrur I, the 5th great-grandfather of Umrenan E'Seqrur. E'Muntasiq noticed unusual patterns in the alignment of certain stars and cosmic bodies. These anomalies, which he meticulously recorded in his private journals, hinted at a significant historical event. Driven by curiosity, E'Muntasiq conducted extensive geological surveys and unearthed ancient strata devoid of life—no fossils, no microbial traces, just layers of barren rock. By correlating these findings with the cosmic anomalies, he pinpointed the period now known as the Tempus Damnatorum.  
Initial Skepticism
  When E'Muntasiq first presented his findings, the Cult of Tuntheh completely rejected this, saying that when they were created, there was always life. The Cult called him a heretic and put a bounty on his head. However, the Cult of Tuntheh's reputation was always bad, so most people sided with E'Muntasiq.  


  The Malēnians are the only known species that lived during Tempus Damnatorum. They appeared around 638 billion years ago and ended 498 billion years ago and were a space-faring civilization. The Seqrur Institute claims they ended when their capital, a planet in the Deus Solaris System called Malnaya (Malēnian Language: Mēlān - Sunlit City, City of Light) was destroyed and became a Veil Planet (Veil Planet, a term coined by E'Nar E'Seqrur, means a planet that was destroyed, but still retains an ethereal, ghostly presence, as if veiled). The E'Seqrur Institute sent researchers to examine the Veil Planet, and when they got there, the researchers said they could hear the screams of people when Malnaya was destroyed, and they heard the daily life before that. They also claim to have seen it when they got there. Many Malēnian artefacts were also found.  
Destruction of Malnaya
  There are two major theories on why it was destroyed, the Meteor Theory, and the Explosion Theory. The Seqrur Institute believes in the Meteor Theory, and the Green Institute believes in the Explosion. Remains of Malnaya are still present in the Deus Solaris System and beyond.  
Meteor Theory
  The Meteor Theory claims that a very large meteor hit Malnaya and destroyed it.   
Explosion Theory
  The Explosion Theory believes that a titanic explosion happened on Malnaya, destroying the planet. However, most scientists and scholars outside the Green Institute believe that an explosion would have only severely damaged the planet. At that time, there was nothing that would be on Malnaya that would create an explosion necessary to destroy it or even damage it severely.  

Tempus Intelligentiae

  Tempus Intelligentiae translates to "Period of Intelligence". It is the period where the first intelligent life after the Malēnians was first discovered, and the beginning of it is a period known as the Intelligent Explosion, because many intelligent civilizations appeared.

Cosmic Lifeforms

  Alhambarain is home to many cosmic lifeforms, such as Tentacula Mundi, Dimefish (often called Wardens of the Abyss), and Spanatees.  


  Spanatees are cosmic lifeforms that heavily represent the manatee from Earth. The origin of the Spanatee is unknown, but different civilizations have different lore behind it. Cave paintings were found on planets they passed by.  


  According to the Green Institute (an institute founded by Dr. Elias Green dedicated to researching and documenting pre-cataclysmic Earth, cosmic lifeforms, and lifeforms on other planets), the Spanatee heavily represents the manatee from Earth. However, the Spanatee is a tentacled creature, with tentacles on the back. It has been theorized that they grow more tentacles as they mature.  


  Spanatees are very friendly and curious creatures, checking out ships and fleets that pass by. However, when provoked, they get very aggressive and have been known to destroy ships and entire fleets. Spanatees have seasonal migration routes, where the majority follow to different areas in Alhambarain depending on the amount and type of prey and cosmic gas in the area.  
  Spanatees communicate with various types of sound, including chirping, whistling, or squeaking. Dr. Elias Green said, "Spanatees communicate with chirping, whistling, and squeaking. They were also seen slapping their bellies as a sign of communication, and it seems to have positive meanings, such as relaxation, happiness, and feeling safe. There could be other methods which we have not yet discovered."  


  Spanatees are Astrovorous predators, ('Astrovore' is a term coined by Malnar E'Seqrur, describing a creature that consumes other creatures and cosmic gases.) as they consume both smaller creatures and cosmic gas. Spanatees have an extremely good sense of taste, allowing them to detect even the slightest variations in cosmic gases and the chemical composition of their prey. The Green Institute theorizes they have different preferences for cosmic gasses and creatures.  


  Spanatees live in gas-rich regions with many prey. They seasonally migrate to other areas, so they don't completely consume the resources of one region. They are found in Nebulas, and travelling in the abyss of outer space.  

First Encounter with Humans

  The first encounter between Spanatees and Humans was in the year 25 AUC. A pair of two Manatees were migrating to the region around the Sol System. When they eventually entered the Sol System, the Federation of Mars thought they were a threat and ordered a fleet to attack them. The Spanatees managed to take down the fleet, eventually destroying Human space stations and other vital points in the Sol System. The Green Institute protested the attack on peaceful organisms, but that did not change anything in the Federation's policies.    

Dimefish (Warden of the Abyss)

  Dimefish, often called Warden of the Abyss, are jellyfish-like lifeforms that can cross dimensions. They are exclusively found alone and do not interact with anything in any way, except in some rare cases where the ships of lone travellers pick up signals from a Warden of the Abyss, translating into a message.  


  According to the E'Seqrur Institute, the Dimefish looks similar to the jellyfish from pre-cataclysmic Earth. Dimefish comes in wide range of colours, mostly blue and purple. They glow and are titanic.  


  Dimefish are exclusively found alone and do not interact with anything in any case in any way. There are cases where they send signals to ships of lone travellers, otherwise, they only interact with other Wardens of the Abyss for mating purposes.  


  It is unknown what Dimefish's diet consists of.  


  Wardens of the Abyss are found wandering in space.  

Tentacula Mundi

  Tentacula Mundi translates to "Tentacles of the World". They are huge, tentacled creatures with a spherical core in the centre. Their tentacles stick out of their core and are generally black or a very dark colour. Their cores are bioluminescent, emitting a soft, pulsating light that shows their mood, helps tribe members stay connected, and helps while hunting.  


  Tentacula Mundi have a central core, from which their tentacles come. Their cores are bioluminescent, emitting soft, pulsating light that changes colour depending on mood. It also helps them stay connected and signal messages when hunting or fighting. Their tentacles are covered in a tough, reflective material that shimmers in the starlight, offering protection and an additional method of communication through light patterns. The E'Seqrur Institute theorizes that they also use the reflection of stars, as well as stars, as ways for navigation and that they recognize different constellations.  


  Tentacula Mundi are highly social creatures, often living in large tribes and having complex relations. They often migrate between regions to enforce the tribe's territory. They only attack when provoked, or when a foreigner enters their territory and acts aggressively. They are very curious and often check out fleets and ships. There were cases recorded by The E'Seqrur Institute where one would go to check out a ship and send signals to it, then the ship would pick up the signals as messages.  
  Tentacula Mundi communicate with body language, low-frequency vibrations, and their cores.  


  Tentacula Mundi are carnivorous predators, as they diet on smaller creatures.

Significant Species  



  Humans are some of the most important species in Alhambarain. They colonize planets, enslave peoples, murder lifeforms, and destroy habitats. And under the Federation of Mars' (current major Human state) government, this has increased largely. This has made Humans mostly unliked in Alhambarain.  


Nimrans are a significant species of Alhambarain. They invented many things, and are one of the most advanced species. They invented and discovered many things that changed the course of history, and had some of the most important scientists in the history of Alhambarain.  

Less Significant Species



Mino-Achaeans are the native species of Mino-Achaea. They were colonized by the Nimrans and their cultures and religions were heavily affected by them. Mino-Achaeans are neutral, only fighting in defensive wars. This allowed them to be very powerful and defeat the Federation of Mars in several wars.  


Alhambarain is home to many dimensions, and many remain undiscovered.  

The Archive of Eternity

  The Archive of Eternity is a dimension created by Al-Fulkey where all the knowledge of Alhambarain is stored.  It exists outside of time and space, making it accessible to those who can navigate its vast halls and endless shelves of books, scrolls, and archives. The Archive is curated by mysterious beings known as the Keepers, who ensure that knowledge is preserved and protected  

The Wailing Void

  The Wailing Void is a dimension where terror reigns supreme, eclipsing all hope and reason. It is a place of unfathomable horror, where the fabric of reality is torn asunder, and the laws of nature are twisted into grotesque parodies of themselves. The Abyssal Void is a realm of eternal darkness, where the very concept of light is anathema. The air is thick with the stench of decay, and the ground is slick with the ichor of the damned. The sky is a writhing mass of tentacles and eyes, watching and waiting for the next victim to fall into its grasp.   Spaceships that enter the The Wailing Void are swallowed by its darkness, their crews consumed by madness and despair. Navigation becomes a futile exercise, as the very stars themselves seem to wink out one by one, leaving travellers stranded in an endless void of nothingness.   The void is home to unspeakable horrors, entities that defy description and understanding. They lurk in the shadows, waiting to pounce on the unwary and drag them screaming into the abyss. Those who are captured by these creatures suffer a fate worse than death, their minds and bodies twisted and reshaped into monstrous abominations.   The Wailing Void is a place of unrelenting terror, where every moment is a battle for survival and every sound is a harbinger of doom. Those who enter its accursed depths are doomed to wander its endless expanse, their souls forever lost to the void.


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