Ashteian Gaurds

The Ashteian Gaurds are the main force that gaurds Ashteia's asteroids. Although the Ashteian government officially recognizes them as a branch of their military, there is considerable debate surrounding this classification, with many questioning their legitimacy and role as a military branch.   They were founded after a Qimeian terrorist attack which caused around 54K civilian casualties and 10K military casualties.  


  The Ashteian Gaurds were created by government decree after a series of Qimeian terrorist attack planned by the Oqor Syndicate. The attacks happened a week after Ashteia's transit tubes were built.  

The Attacks

  The target of the attacks were the Atashians who escaped the Pillage of Atash and built Ashteia. They used remote detanators, starships, and ground attacks. Bombs were planted at key sites such as the transit tubes, markets, and tourist sites. The bombs were detonated with a radio transmitter during a holiday, maximizing the number of casualties and the impact on the community.   Following the bomb attacks, satrships and footmen attacked the asteroids, causing large amounts of damage. Althought the Indaran Relief Society tried to defend Ashteia, they were overwhelmed and ultimately lost.  


  After the attacks, the Relief Society instantly began repairing and rebuilding the damage. They first rebuilt the transit tubes, which allowed them to transport people and materials faster which boosted therebuilding process.  


  After the rebuilding rocess was complete, a decree was issued which created the Ashteian Gaurds. They were made to protect Ashteia and stop any illegal materials from entering any of the asteroids.


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Aug 3, 2024 21:42 by Marjorie Ariel

Very interesting. I like that their legitimacy is being questioned.

Aug 4, 2024 15:12

Thanks! i just realized that I mispelled hte title, just fixed it (: