
Stormcallers are a group of Makelans who can very accurately predict storms. These predictions have made some people believe that they are messengers from the gods to protect them. When Umrenan E'Seqrur visited, they taught him the secrets to their predictions. They are now recorded in his journal.  

Cultural Significance

  Stormcallers are revered by many tribes and cultures on Makela, as some think they can call the storms but choose not to out of mercy. They are highly revered and respected, with most of them being wealthy and having important roles in governments.   Although some advanced Makelan nations do not believe in the Stormcallers and constantly speak out against them, many still believe in their abilites to summon storms.  

Umrenan's Encounter

    When Umrenan encountered a Makelan tribe during a ritual revering their Stormcaller, he was intrigued and asked a tribe member why the Stormcaller was held in such high esteem. Hearing tales of their ability to summon storms, Umrenan approached the Stormcaller and engaged him in debate. After a prolonged discussion, the Stormcaller revealed the secrets of their methods to Umrenan. These secrets are now documented in Umrenan's journal, preserving the knowledge for future generations.  


  Stormcallers use a mix on ancient techniques and enviromental observations passed down secretly in small families. They observe subtle changes in the environment, such as the behavior of animals, the movement of clouds, and the direction of the wind. The Stormcallers also use traditional instruments made from local materials to measure atmospheric pressure and humidity. This knowledge, combined with their deep understanding of Makelan weather patterns, allows them to predict storms with remarkable accuracy. Some believe their abilities are a gift from the gods, while others attribute it to their meticulous attention to detail and centuries of accumulated wisdom.


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