Gerard Cuvee

Former KGB supervisor.   He originally picked out a young Irina Derevko from the class of recruits, and personally guided her training as a swallow. She exceeded all expectations, and he took the credit for her success. He also coerced her into a 'relationship' with him.    When she was slated for a long-term deep cover mission, Cuvee selected a young Jack Bristow from the available candidates.    When Irina returned and was charged with treason, Cuvee's star had been tarnished as well. He never again achieved the same success as he had with Irina. When the Cold War ended, he - like many other KGB members - easily slid into a life of crime.   Since then, he has been in Irina's life peripherally, usually as a contractor or short-term employee of her organization.    In spite of his delusions of grandeur and sense of ownership over Irina, he never reached very high into the ranks of the underworld. He's still waiting in the wings, looking for his next big opportunity.
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