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Xenomorph Crusher

  • Between 5'11'' and 9'10''
Skin color
  • Bronze, Black
  • Quadruped movement
  • Bullet-proof crest resistant from most weaponry
  • Charges at enemies with massive force
The Crusher, also known as the Charger, is a Stage 6 Xenomorph caste. The most notable features are its large head crest, which is said to be completely bulletproof, and its habit of charging its prey to inflict massive blunt force trauma. It acts as something of a heavy unit for the Xenomorphs, able to engage even armored vehicles with some success. This is considered to be the Xenomorph equivalent of a tank.   Crushers evolve from Sentry Xenomorphs.   Characteristics   Biology and Behavior   The Crusher's exoskeleton is a metallic black, though may reflect brownish undertones. They have been seen in various sizes, but are always considerably larger than common Drones. As the Praetorian-adjacent caste of a Xenomorph Runner evolutionary line, they can be similar in size to a Praetorian at between 5'11'' and 9'10'' at the shoulders. With it's crest included, however, a Crusher can be taller than an adult alien on all fours. The Crusher's head is topped with a thick armored chitinous crest, larger even than on some Xenomorph Queens, that it lowers into a vertical position before charging its target like a bull. This crest is incredibly strong, hardy enough to repel most forms of gunfire (including even the M56 Smartgun), and when lowered into the charging position it effectively shields the Crusher's more vulnerable body from frontal damage.   The force that the Crusher can impart with its charging attack is tremendous, enough even to propel an M577 APC sideways some distance or throw an individual Marine several meters through the air. However, this unique mode of assault renders the Xenomorph virtually blind whilst charging, meaning it is unable to alter its course should its target move out of the line of attack. If an aggressor is agile enough to sidestep around a charging Crusher, its less resilient body will subsequently be exposed and left vulnerable. Even so, the creature is still incredibly tough, able to soak up significant amounts of damage before succumbing. The P9 Sonic Harpoon Artillery Remote Projectile Rifle is a good choice of weapon to quickly kill a Crusher. A full magazine of ammo (ten harpoons) shot at a Crusher's weak spot — its back — is enough to kill the beast.   Again similar to the Xenomorph Praetorian, it has limited mobility compared to its others Xenomorphs. It is unable to climb wall and properly jump due to its size and weight. It also can't walk on two legs, forcing it to move around on all fours. However, it can rear up and use it's head as a bashing weapon or attack with it's foremost claws. Despite it's size and weight, it is very fast and can kill multiple enemies in a single charge.   Little is known about Crusher's intelligence, but it seems to be very limited as its only purpose is to charge its enemies like a rabid rhino. It's basic form from which it evolves, the Xenomorph Runner, was also thought to have limited intelligence since it emerged from an animal host instead of from a sentient creature such as a Human or Yautja.   Creation and Hive Role   Crushers are typically only seen in mature hives, being the later stage of the more basic Xenomorph Runner, however some newer hives are known to have them. They are effectively the "Praetorians" of the Xenomorph Runner metamorphic line, evolving from a Sentry Xenomorph. At the will of the Xenomorph Queen, the Sentry is exposed Royal Jelly and force-fed Raw-Metals for weeks by Xenomorph Workers. They will then coccoon themselves and undergo a lengthy transformation, where they will emerge as the enormous and heavily-armored Crusher. Presumably, the metals eaten during the process are the reason for the Xenomorph's exceptionally tough exoskeleton.   Like it's previous form, the Crusher is a defender of the hive and are rarely seen outside of it. Unlike it's 'cousin' the Xenomorph Praetorian, Crushers are not known to evolve into further forms.

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