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Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons reproduce through eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

The first 5 years after a dragon has been hatched, they are considered a baby; otherwise referred to as a wyrmling. After the first 5 years of their lives have gone by, they are considered young dragons until they reached 100 years old. Once they reached that milestone, they are considered adult dragons. When a dragon lived passed 800 years old, they are considered an ancient dragon. From there, a dragon can live up to 1,000 years old. They rarely live pass the age 1,500 years old.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons are omnivorous creatures.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Although most sightings of dragons can be found in the Dragon Sea - hence the name - dragons originally came from Iunia, Zostron. As time went on and the demand for dragons increased, the species spread across to other countries around the planet. However, most reside in the Dragon Sea or Iunia, Zostron.

Average Intelligence

Most dragons are well above average. There are very few dragons that are capable of talking to other species, whether it's through verbal speech or telepathy.

Civilization and Culture


Over the years of studying the species, it has been known that dragons tend to horde things. They mostly hoard things such as gold and treasure, or shiny things in general. Despite this, the type of things dragons tend to hoard differs between each dragon.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Iunia, Zostron
1,000 years
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

Articles under Dragon


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