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Kitsune is a very witty and intelligent species.

Basic Information


Kitsunes are born with one tail. As they grow older and develop their abilities, they grow another tail. At the most, a kitsune can have nine tails. Once they have gained the ninth tail, the color of their fur changes to either gold or white. Kitsunes can have a tenth tail, but it's only reserved for the god or goddess of the species. By the time they are nearing the end of their life, they can transform into three different forms:

Growth Rate & Stages

Once a kitsune turns 100 years old, it can turn into a human, or at least starting to try to transform into its human form. After mastering the art of transforming into a human, they can transform into a hybrid form between their human and fox forms.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kitsune originated in Gliunia, Heovratea. However, over the years, they migrated all over Alithia, but most of the species continue to reside in Gliunia.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Kitsunes are excellent in acrobatics and are born with both dark and low-light vision. They have several abilities they are born with or learn, abilities they train and master over the years. Such abilities are:
  • Shapeshifting
  • Fox Fire
  • Fox magic
  • Flight
  • Illusion Manipulation
  • Possession
  • Sleep Manipulation
  • Enhance Senses
  • Enhance Speed & Stamina

Civilization and Culture


On average, kitsunes take about a hundred years to gain another tail.
Scientific Name
Gliunia, Heovratea
1,500 years
Average Height
The height of a kitsune ranges between 139 centimeters and 183 cm in its human or hybrid form.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations

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