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A large, flame-wreathed bird.

Basic Information


Phoenixes are very unique, elemental birds. They are fire-type birds who have the unique ability to reincarnate themselves from their ashes.

Biological Traits

Phoenixes have ruby-red eyes. They have condition immunities for paralyze, prone, restrained, exhaustion, grappled, petrified, and stun. They also have damage immunities for fire and poison.

Genetics and Reproduction

Phoenixes - at least ones from Alithia - are capable of reproducing with other birds, more often with other phoenixes due to their elemental type, and lay eggs. However, due to their unique ability to reincarnate themselves from their ashes, they rarely reproduce unless they deem it necessary.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Phoenixes are omnivorous creatures.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Phoenixes originated from Gliunia, Heovratea. Over the years, as the demand for phoenixes slowly increased, phoenixes gradually made their way all around Alithia.

Average Intelligence

Phoenixes are considered to be geniuses compared to the other animals on Alithia.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Phoenixes have dark vision, infra vision, ultravision, and low-light vision.

Civilization and Culture


Due to the fact phoenixes rarely reproduce from one another, a phoenix egg is extremely valuable and worth quite a fortune in the market; especially if one brought it to a black market.
Gliunia, Heovratea
150 years
Average Height
380 cm
Average Length
Average Wingspan is 40 ft
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Phoenixes have either violet, red, and/or orange colored feathered. Usually, their feathers are some variations of red and orange all over their body. You rarely see a full violet phoenix or a big portion of their feathers to violet.
Geographic Distribution


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