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Opaena is one of eight continents in Alithia.
There are three countries/kingdoms on this continent: Oglait, Sestria, and Uchal.


The primary terrain of Opaena is tundra. The secondary terrain of Opaena is grasslands/plainlands. On the continent, there are three main lakes and six major rivers. The country/kingdom of Uchal is located to the west of the continent. The country/kingdom of Oglait is located to the north-east of the continent. The country/kingdom of Sestria is located to the south-east of the continent. To the north of the continent is the The Sea of Kasa. To the south of the continent is the The Sea of Ophas  and the continent Vriosakin. To the west of the continent is the The Sea of Pheke and the continent Fozios. To the east of the continent is the The Sea of Pentha and the continent Braqai.


Opaena is home to the majority of werebeasts - excluding weredragons - and humans. Most of the werebeasts race originated from the country of Oglait. For humans, most of them came from the country: Uchal. The humans from Uchalare where some witches and wizards originated from, along with their magical abilities that came from their covens and/or guilds. On rare occasions, a few female humans from Uchal were chosen to be a valkyrie. Sestria became a country for all species to live together with no hate or judgment. Within the Sestria boundaries, part of the human and werebeast race originated in the area. Over time, as different species traveled to Opaena and the native species traveled outside of the continent; they started to settle all over the continent. Even though there's a good amount of each species coinciding on the continent, the native species of Opaena still makes up a bigger percentage of the population of each country.


When all the countries were being established all over Alithia, Opaena originally had two countries within its borders: Oglait and Uchal. As time went on and species from all over the planet started settling on the continent, like everywhere else on Alithia and everywhere else in the galaxy, there were wars upon wars between the species as more species settled on the continent. With every war, hope has always emerged one way or another. At one point, there was a faction was created. A faction that was made of people from all species from all over the world who were tired of the wars between species and who believed species could live together peacefully. As word spread around about this faction, more and more people of different species who shared the same belief joined them. At one point, the faction became big enough to have an army of its own. With their army, they fought in the major wars on Opaena and won. After their victory, the faction claimed the southeast portion of the continent, including the island. Eventually, the territory the faction claimed became a country of their own called: 'Sestria.'


  • Opaena
    This is the map of the continent: Opaena.


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